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June 1977

Florence woke up that day thanking all magical and muggle gods that all the exams were over for the sixth years and she had nothing but a great summer day ahead of her and a fun End Of Term Ball in the evening of the next day to look forward to.

For the fifth and seventh years, that day and the next meant O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s.

May Merlin help them.

She thought as she got up around nine to organise her suitcases, for in two days they would all be boarding the train to start their much-needed summer vacation.

For the next night's Ball, Florence chose a beautiful dark-blue dress with matching undergarments, and she couldn't wait to have Severus remove it all after the party.

She left her dormitory and waited for her boyfriend in the common room, watching her housemates gathered around the large table filled with breakfast food that had been put in there - since the Great Hall had been transformed for the OW.L.s and N.E.W.T.s.

She waited for a long time but he didn't show up. Then she saw her friend Regulus Black leaving the boys' dormitories and walked to him.

"Hey, Reggie."

He smiled, "Hi, Florence. What can I do for you?"

"Do you know if Severus is still in the dormitory?"

Regulus hesitated before answering: "You know I don't like lying to you, so I won't. Severus didn't sleep here last night."

She frowned; she had seen him walking into the boys' dormitory as she walked to the girls' the night before.

Could he be pretending to sleep in his dormitory while he was actually working on Potions for her father during the night?

Unfortunately, she wouldn't put it past him.

But if that was the case, be had lied to her more than a few times in the past five months, since he had promised her to stop working for the Death Eaters.

"Thanks, Reggie. Take care."

Then she thought about what she could do; she could either wait for Severus or have breakfast on her own. She went with the second option.

But Severus didn't show up and the breakfast table was cleared, so Florence went to the Gryffindor common room, hoping that her friends were there.

Why do the Gryffindors have to live on the 7th fucking floor? She thought when she finally reached the Fat Lady's painting.

"Golden Hippogriff," Florence said, but the portrait didn't move, glaring at her disapprovingly, as usual, "Yes, I know the password. Now move!"

The Fat Lady opened up the passage slowly.

And Florence entered the Gryffindor common room, finding Lily, James and Remus on the living space, sitting by an open window. She walked towards them, throwing herself onto an armchair.

"Hi, guys," She sounded tired, and felt heartbroken, the reality of what she'd have to do hitting her.

"I could ask you what's wrong, but we already know the answer begins with an S," said James.

Florence sighed, "I have reason to believe Severus has been lying to me for the past five months," all three Gryffindors looked at her, shock written on their faces.

"What do you mean?" asked Lily, frowning.

"He hasn't slept in his bed last night," Florence explained, "I searched for him before breakfast and found out Eric Travers is also missing; so he's either still making potions for the Death Eaters or cheating on me with Travers."

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz