He's not there

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After hearing her brothers tell them what had happened to her father, Elizabeth watched them leave the room and didn't know what to think.

Her dad was dying; there was nothing her mother could do - and her mum always knew what to do, she always solved all the problems.

Not this time.

The war would finally reach an end, but that didn't mean their lives would go back to normal.


It meant that their worst nightmare was just beginning; they'd live under her grandfather's control and without their father – and maybe without their mother – to protect them.

"Liz, where are you going, love?" asked her grandmother, when she stood up and walked to the door.

"I need to walk, I can't- I can't just stay here," Elizabeth replied, walking out the room.

She looked up and down the long corridor, feeling she should go left - so she did.

When she passed by the second door, she was taken by surprise by the presence of a very familiar energy.

Draco? She asked, using their bond.

No, it couldn't be him. What would he be doing at the Order Headquarters?

Elizabeth shook her head, dismissing that feeling as wishful thinking; she kept on walking till she heard his voice in her head, clear as day: Liz? Where are you, love? Are you at the Order?

She gasped and followed her intuition, nearly running into a room to her right.

Her breath nearly stopped when she opened the door and saw her boyfriend sitting up on a bed; her eyes fixed on him, as if she couldn't believe she was actually seeing him.

"How- what are you doing here?" she asked, walking towards the bed and gasping loudly before he could answer: "Oh mon Merlin! What happened to you?" she stood by his bed, looking at Draco's bruised torso, swollen face, and the white bandage around his head.

"My father tried to kill me," he replied.

"Oh, Dray," she whispered tearfully, sitting beside him on the bed and pulling him into a careful hug.

He buried his face in her hair, smiling, and telling himself: "I must've hit my head too hard, I'm hallucinating now..."

Liz chuckled and shook her head, "I'm really here, love. You're not hallucinating."

He looked into her eyes and blinked twice before pulling her tightly against him, finally believeing she was truly there, "Oh, Liz, how I missed you!" he spoke into her hair.

"I missed you too, Dray."

He held her face in his hands and kissed her lips, then her cheeks and lastly her forehead.

She inhaled sharply, recalling how her father sometimes kissed her forehead.

She couldn't control neither the sob that left her throat nor her tears.

Draco worried, "What happened, love?" he pulled her to a hug, "Why are you here at the Order?"

"My dad," she whispered, sniffling, "Nagini bit him."

"Fuck," Draco cursed, closing his eyes and holding her against his chest, letting her cry on him, "I had no idea! I passed out during the battle and woke up here," He hesitated, "Is he...?"

She slowly raised her face to look at him, "Jamie said he is dying," she paused, her throat constricting and more tears falling, "And..." she whispered, "He might not go alone, you know. My mum won't last much if he..."

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