The Forgiveness

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Thursday, December 3rd 1981

After breakfast that morning, Florence went down to the dungeons as soon as Eileen had left with the twins.

She opened the door of the potions lab slowly, seeing that she had arrived before Severus and letting out a relieved sigh.

She wasn't sure how she'd feel seeing him after her conversation with Eileen the night before.

She had forgiven him, yes, but that didn't bring neither their baby nor their relationship back; the conclusion she had reached was that she was going to have to learn to live on with that pain.

She loved Severus with all her heart, but she still wondered what exactly did it mean to move forward where he was concerned?

Did it mean to keep away from him as before and just shag him occasionally or did it mean finally saying 'Yes' and telling him the truth about her and the twins?

Florence sighed; she had a lot to think about.

Putting up her mental barriers by the means of occlumency, just in case Severus arrived, she started organising the worktable to begin brewing potions for the Order of the Phoenix that day.


After an hour, she had to wait another forty minutes before adding the next ingredient to the Wiggenweld Potion. So she stretched her arms, moved her head to one side and then the other, trying to relax her tense shoulders.

That was when she noticed that the door to Severus' private quarters was open.

He must've forgotten to lock it before going to the hospital wing with two broken ribs yesterday. She thought, going there to close it, but something sparkly on the small table by the armchair caught her eye.

Florence walked into his living room, going towards the table and gasping as she realised what it was: the jade necklace.

My necklace.

She picked it up, touching it to her chest and closing her eyes; she loved that necklace so much.

She remembered how Severus had given it to her, how they had flirted through their bond inside a packed Honeydukes and how they had made love for hours in her bedroom.

She looked at it through the tears, wishing she could have not just the necklace back, but how she'd felt then.


She startled when she heard Severus call her name from the door.

She turned to look at him, putting the necklace back where she'd found it.

He seemed hesitant, not a hint of the disdain or anger of the last days in his eyes or stance, his frown and stillness let her know he was unsure of where they stood.

"I see you're better," she decided to break the ice, smiling a little, trying to show that she wasn't angry like the day before.

"I know a good Mediwitch," he replied, reciprocating her smile and walking slowly into his living room, "She has saved my life a couple of times already."

Then Florence added: "And she will not mend your sorry-ass anymore, if you go around fighting werewolves for a third time."

"Duly noted," he stopped near her and picked up the necklace from the table, looking at it and then at her, "It's yours, you know. It'll always be yours," he whispered, unclasping it and slowly reaching it out to put it on her.

But Florence shook her head, and touched his hands, stopping him, "It doesn't feel like it is. At least not for now."

Severus looked at her in surprise and lowered his hands, "Not for now," he repeated, hope filling up his heart, "So I haven't fucked up as much as I thought."

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