Giving a chance

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In the next morning

Florence woke up with the sunlight entering through her bedroom window.

She turned onto her back and stared at the vaulted ceiling above her bed, remembering the fun she had had with her friends the night before, getting drunk on her father's expensive wine.

She chuckled at the memory and got out of bed, changing into a long-sleeved dress and going downstairs. The house was quiet, letting her know she had been the first one to wake up.

When she reached the living room, her morning tea was already on the table, waiting for her as always.

Somehow Tiffany knew the exact moment she put her feet on the floor upstairs – for her tea was always at the perfect temperature for her to sip as she enjoyed the early morning in silence, something she had learned to appreciate.

Florence stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window in the living room, looking at the village while she sipped her tea; remembering when she used to dream of sharing those precious moments with Severus. She knew he'd enjoy the quiet mornings as much as her; watching the village as it was just starting to wake up, the white of the snow making it all look like a place out of a fairy tale.

She sighed, her fairy tale would never come true though, all she had was the stillness of those quiet mornings and her daydreams.

Suddenly she felt a presence in the living room second before she heard: "I won't ask what or who you're thinking about. I can imagine..."

"'Morning, Sirius. Yeah... I'm that pathetic." she gave him a small smile.

"I can help you, you know," he stopped beside her, "I know you still love him, and I fear you probably always will; but if you think you can at least like me a little..." he paused, "Flor, all I'm asking for is that you give me a chance to show you that I can make you happy. I can make you happier than he ever could."

Florence stared at Sirius for a long moment, until she finally said: "I like you, Sirius, but I don't love you. I truly appreciate you offering me you heart, but if I accepted it, I would be playing with your feelings, using you, because I know you like me and I just want to forget Severus."

"I love you, yes," he said, "I've always been crazy about you- let me make you happy, Florence, I know I can," he whispered, touching her face, his thumb brushing over her lips.

She tried to make him understand where they stood: "You know about the Enchantment... perhaps I'll never be able to forget him," she exhaled, the truth of those words saddening her further, "I don't love you, Padfoot," she softly repeated, making her feelings clear.

"Yes. But you'll love me someday, I'm pretty lovable," he winked.

Florence smiled and then Sirius fell onto one knee in front of her and her mind brought forth dreams of having Severus like that in front of her, asking her to marry him. But Sirius was there instead, and he was speaking so she tried hard to focus on what he was saying.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Flor, and give me the chance to make you happy?" he asked, one of her hands in his.

She thought: Well, why not? and replied: "Alright, Sirius."

He stood up straight, never taking his shining eyes off her face, as if committing to memory every detail of that moment.

Putting one hand on the back of her head, Sirius brought their lips close and kissed her, softly at first, but Florence sucked on his lower lip and he took that as an invitation for more; his tongue meeting hers for a sensual dance.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now