Sacking & Reggie

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 April 1996

One late Friday night

Severus was home, sitting in bed, reading a book; a half-full glass of elven wine on the nightstand and Florence asleep on his left.

Perfect end for a week.

He smiled as he looked at his beautiful wife, closing his book and considering if he should wake her up for some sex.

But his plans were abruptly interrupted by a Phoenix Patronus appearing inside the room.

He stared at it, waiting for Dumbledore's message but the Phoenix just flew around the bedroom for a moment and disappeared.


A silent Patronus meant just one thing: trouble at the school.

"Flor," Severus touched her back, "Love, wake up. We got to go," he got out of bed when she opened her eyes.

"Go?" Florence sleepily mumbled, sitting up, "Go where, Severus? What happened?"

"Dumbledore called. Silent Patronus."

"Shit," she uttered his previous thought, blinking the sleepiness away and jumping from the bed to get dressed.

They woke up Tiffany, told her to look after Chris and Sophie, and left to the castle by Floo.


The couple walked out of the fireplace and into the Headmaster's office, wands in hand and ready for battle – only to find Dumbledore alone, standing by his desk as if he hadn't just sent a distress signal to the two of them.

"You called us?" asked Severus, looking around, trying to understand the emergency.

"Ah, yes, good evening, children," Dumbledore smiled, "Dumbledore's Army has been discovered. Umbridge called Fudge and Kingsley to come arrest me."

"And you're smiling because...?" Florence asked, finding his lack of concern disquieting.

"I'm not going to Azkaban, dear," replied the headmaster, his smile giving place to a more serious tone: "Now remember what we've previously discussed: I leave the students' safety in your hands, I trust you two to-"

"They're coming, Albus," unexpectedly said one of the portraits.

"Thank you, Everard."

And seconds after the portrait's warning, the three of them heard noises from the stairs:

"I've been watching them for weeks, Cornelius!" Umbridge was saying to the Minister as they walked into the office.

Florence glared at them as she saw Harry being dragged by the collar of his jumper by a ginger young man that she recognised as being Percy Weasley; two aurors, Donahue and Shacklebolt, following them and condoning the way the boy was being treated.

"And did you see the name?" continued Umbridge, "Dumbledore's Army! Proof of what I've been telling you!" she suddenly stopped talking once her eyes fell on Severus, "Prof. Snape!" she greeted him, her hand going to her hair to make sure it was in place, "What a nice surprise. It's great to have you here as our witness!"

Severus just nodded at her.

Then Umbridge turned to the Minister again, completely ignoring Florence's presence, "Dumbledore's been trying to terrorise the public with his fake story about You-Know-Who's return! But it's all part of a plan to demoralise you, Cornelius, and seize control of the Ministry!"

For a few seconds, no one said a word; Harry looked at Florence and Severus, their presence there at that late hour making him finally realise the two of them were a lot more important than he had previously thought.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now