James and Nicholas

471 22 9

September 1978

30 weeks pregnant

Florence was feeling heavier and more tired than ever; even though the days were blessedly less and less hot, she grimaced as she thought that she still had a little over a month to go – just a little longer til she'd finally see her babies' faces and hold them in her arms.

Eileen and Tiffany were taking very good care of her, one of them was always around, never leaving her alone in case something bad happened or her water broke.

And Severus continued to keep his distance.

He hadn't visited his mother in three months, and Florence hadn't seen him since the End of the Term Ball. The last time he'd been home in the previous month, she'd felt his presence in the house, the babies in her belly had sensed his presence too, but she hadn't set eyes on him.

But he was a constant presence in her dreams and he always looked miserable in those; she'd usually find him in a bedroom, sitting on a bed, looking sad and tired, and then he'd feel her presence and look up, smiling at her before wrapping her in his arms and making love to her for hours.

Then he'd ask her for forgiveness – and that's when she'd wake up.

Florence never spoke much in those dreams, she was nearly sure they were shared and she feared Severus would end up seeing the truth about the babies in her mind if she spoke too much.


October 23rd , 1978

"I can't wait for you two to come out," said Florence while taking a shower, sitting on a plastic stool under the shower spray.

Eileen had put that stool in there for safety reasons, in case Florence felt too weak to stand – a completely justified fear since her belly was huge.

She could hear Eileen moving in the bedroom, right on the other side of the door, waiting for her to finish showering.

"I'll be leaving the shower stall now," Florence let her godmother know, as she turned off the water.

"Do you need any help, dear?"

"No. I'm fine," she picked up the towel to dry her body and caressed her huge belly, "This grandma of yours," she talked to her sons, "She's always worrying about us and your father..." the boys kicked hard, the sharp pain causing her to close her eyes AND momentarily and take a deep breath before putting on a dress.


She heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

"Sirius, James and Lily have arrived," said Eileen from the room.

"Good," Florence replied, walking into the bedroom and sitting on the bed to put on her knickers – she didn't even try to do that while standing anymore, for she would certainly fall.

Eileen looked at her and smiled, "You look so beautiful, Flor. I wish Severus could see you like that."

"I don't feel beautiful, I feel heavy and useless, "Can't even see my feet to put on my own shoes," she complained, standing up and touching her belly, "But I wish he were here too; he is suffering."

Eileen looked at her, frowning, "What do you mean?"

"I've been having... shared dreams with him. He's miserable..." she closed her eyes suddenly, inhaling sharply as the babies started kicking her painfully.

"What's wrong, Flor?" Eileen asked, worried.

"Just... the babies kicking. They always know, somehow..." she felt some pain again, "When I think about Sev... or when he's near... they know," the pain came once more, stronger. "Stop it, boys! Ouch!!" and then she felt something running between her legs and gasped.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now