Baby times three

379 9 7

 Next morning

Nymphadora Tonks walked downstairs to grab herself some breakfast and found her husband sitting in the living room, sipping from a cup of tea while looking at the list of names they'd invite next to be part of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Morning, gorgeous," she sat beside him, kissing his neck, "Already working, love?"

"Yes, Dora. This week, the twins will go visit some more potential members. Hopefully we'll be reaching 300 members by the end of the month."

She smiled at him, knowing it wasn't even half of what Voldemort had, but it was better than what they had three months ago.

"And you kicked Charlie out of his sofa early just to work?" she continued, "Why didn't you use the table?"

Remus frowned, as if suddenly realising something: "Charlie wasn't here when I came down this morning. I haven't seen him at all."

Tonks worried: "Do you think something happened while we slept?"

"I have no idea, Dora," he put the list down on the coffee table, "Melody?" he called.

After a few seconds, a blue-eyed elf appeared, "Yes, Mr Lupin?"

"Have you seen Charlie Weasley this morning?"

The elf blushed, "No, Sir. Mr Weasley slept in the porch for half of the night and then went up to his room, Sir."

"To his room?" Tonks whispered, grasping Remus's arm, "Do you think that means...?"

"I sure hope so," Remus smiled, "He's been growling around Narcissa like a hungry dragon since he brought her here. And he's a good man; she deserves a good man – she's been through enough."

"That's true," Tonks agreed, beginning to bounce her leg and fidget on her cuticles.

And Remus chuckled: "You're dying to go tell your mother, aren't you, love?"

"YES!" and she jumped out of the sofa, "I'll be right back!" she kissed his lips and ran upstairs.

Remus shook his head at his wife's antics and went back to his lists.

"Morning, Remus!" he heard another female voice greeting him, a few minutes later.

"Good morning, Molly," he replied, going to write down something on a list and stopping mid-air, hoping she didn't ask him about her son.

When she walked straight into the kitchen, Remus exhaled in relief and underlined the names he thought they should contact next.

But his relief was short-lived: "Remus?" asked Molly, walking back into the living room, "Have you seen Charlie?"

Remus cleared his throat, "Sorry, Molly, I haven't."

She eyed him suspiciously, "Remus, I raised Fred and George. I know when I'm being lied to."

"I haven't seen Charlie, Molly."

"But you know where he is now."

"Maybe," he admitted.

"And where is he? Has he gone out for a quick errand?"

Remus shook his head, "No. He is in his room. Upstairs."

"Oh, alright. He probably went there to grab some clean clothes-"

Remus shook his head again, "No, Molly. He slept up there, according to Melody."

Molly Weasley just blinked at him for a couple of seconds and Remus quickly got up and approached her, worrying she could be having a stroke.


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