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Two days after that first talk in the park, Severus, Florence and Lily were back under the same tree, and this time, as James Potter approached them, Florence convinced Lily to stay.

James behaved as a gentleman, not once making Lily feel uncomfortable near him. He even pushed her on the swings, while Severus pushed Florence. And they spent the afternoon talking about life and Hogwarts.

Around four-thirty the four of them sat at an ice-cream parlour to have some cold sweets.

"Sirius said he already knows you, Florence," Said James, as they enjoyed their ice-creams.

"Yes. I adore his brother, Regulus. I've been for dinner at his family's house at Grimmauld Place many times. I've also spent nearly every summer at his aunt's beach-house in Italy. Aunt Druella Black; she is mother to three girls – all older than us."

"Isn't one of her girls marrying that Malfoy git?" Asked James, "I think I heard my grandmother say she was going to their wedding."

Florence grimaced, "My good friend, Narcissa Black is marrying Lucius Malfoy. I was invited to their wedding as well, but I'm not going. He's an idiot. I think she's making a huge mistake but she thinks she's in love," she shook her head, thinking to herself: Also I can't go because father will most likely be there.

"It's going to be a big party," continued James, "Both families are obscenely wealthy."

"You bet it will. Aunt Druella certainly wouldn't have it any other way," said Florence, "When her eldest daughter, Bellatrix, married Rodolphus Lestrange, the party lasted three days. It was ridiculous."

"Did she also think of herself in love?" Asked Lily.

"No," Florence shook her head, "And as much as I dislike Bella, I pitied her, for she was forced to marry. But the union of a Black to a Lestrange was too marvellous to be denied just because they didn't love each other," She rolled her eyes, "No matter how miserable the bride was."

"At least they aren't cousins," said Severus with a smirk, making them laugh.

"The nonsense of the Sacred Twenty-Eight knows no limits," James said, finishing his ice-cream.

Lily frowned, having no idea what he was talking about, "What nonsense? Who are the Sacred Twenty-Eight?"

"Oh, they are the remaining twenty-eight families that are proud to say they have no muggle ancestry," explained Severus, "Malfoys, Blacks, Lestranges and other families have strict rules against marrying half-bloods, muggleborns or muggles. They only marry other families within the Sacred circle."

James raised his hands, "I'm proud to say my family was expelled from that list when my great-great-grandfather defended muggleborns' rights in front of the whole Wizengamot."

"My mother's family used to be on that list as well, in the original one from the 1930s," continued Severus, "There were more than twenty-eight then. But nowadays only a few still follow those stupid rules," He paused, eating his ice-cream, "Anyway, I was invited to the Black-Malfoy wedding you mentioned, and I was planning on inviting you to go with me, Flor," he turned to her.

Florence frowned, wondering what he could've done to manage to get invited to that party, but she decided not to ask and just shook her head, "You can go if you want, Severus. But I'm not going to watch my friend marry that idiot."

"Is she being forced to marry him?" asked Lily, a little concerned after all she had just heard.

"Not at all. Cissy believes she loves him, that she knows who he is and that he's a gentleman who will provide her a fancy and comfortable future," Florence made a disgusted face, "But he's not what she thinks he is. All Malfoys are vile."

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now