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December 1980

St. Mungus Hospital

Florence had a busy day, working two floors, the sixth and seventh floors, the Minor Injuries and the Intensive Care wards, respectively, she barely had time to eat.

With the war getting worse day after day, there was a new patient hourly – some with weird conditions from multiple spells, others suffering the aftereffects of several Cruciatus.

"Three more incoming!" Healer-in-training Roy let everyone in the seventh floor corridor know as soon as he received the files from the first floor.

"Aurors or Eaters?" asked Florence.

"Aurors," Roy replied.

Then the team stood by the elevator to receive the patients.


After stabilising the three aurors, Florence went down to the fifth floor to buy a cup of tea and a sandwich.

She sat down by the window to enjoy some quiet moment, glad that no patients had died under her care that day so far.

"Delacour!" she heard someone calling.

"Hi, Prof. Smethwyck. Do you need anything, sir?"

"Yes, dear," he stopped by her table, "Is everything running smoothly on the sixth and seventh floors?"

"Yes, sir. The last three patients who arrived this afternoon are all sleeping and will survive with no permanent damages."

"Good to know! Can you go up to the ninth floor for the rest of the day then?"

"The Maternity Ward? Of course, sir. I'll be up in a minute," she smiled, dealing with new mums and babies was a lot better than caring for injured aurors, civilians and death eaters.


Ninth Floor

Florence was performing her third visual exam of that afternoon, this time on a seven-month pregnant woman.

"Little Jenna is looking great, Mrs. Wilkins. Keep watching your sugar levels and, if I don't see you before she arrives, I wish you a short and painless labour."

"Thank you, Mediwitch Delacour. I hope to see you next month!"

"Take care!" Florence said, leaving the room and going to the ninth floor reception, "Who's my next patient, Sally?"

"Well, there is someone already inside room 97," replied the pink-haired, receptionist, "Mother and daughter are waiting to be seen. Her file is already in the room."

"Alright, I'll be going there now," and Florence walked to room 97, smiling; working with mums and babies always made her happy; the joy of seeing families preparing for a new baby was a unique experience.

It really gave her hope for a better future and helped her forget about the war and her own problems for a while.

She opened the door of room 97.

"Good afternoon, how's this mum today?" Florence's voice died, she froze in place as her eyes fell onto the last person she ever wanted to see in a maternity ward.

"You!" the patient exclaimed, "I didn't know you worked in the maternity ward, Delacour."

"Cassiopeia," Florence said, her hands quickly reaching for the woman's file; her veela standing up quietly in the back of her mind, fearing that her happy day was about to turn into a nightmare in the next few seconds.

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