Draco knows

289 11 3

April 1995

Potions Class

Draco Malfoy was really testing his professor/godfather's patience that day; thirty minutes had passed since the beginning of the lesson and the boy had yet to lit his cauldron. His grey eyes focused on a piece of parchment that Severus would bet was a love letter.

During the whole explanation Draco hadn't shut up, and now that.

Severus sighed in irritation, for he couldn't take too many points from Slytherin, they couldn't really afford it at the moment, Hufflepuff was closing up on them – and with prospect of getting some expressive number of points in the near future due to Cedric Diggory doing well in the Tournament.

But the Potions Master had to do something about his godson's lack of respect.

"Mr Malfoy," he drawled, "Five points from Slytherin for not paying attention. Now you'd better put that letter in your bag and start working, if you don't want me to read it out loud for the class."

The blond boy looked at him with widened scared eyes and nodded, quickly putting the letter securely away.

Draco began preparing the ingredients to brew a Strengthening Solution, thinking that maybe later he could stop by his godfather's desk and tell him about his gorgeous, clever girlfriend. He'd certainly be happy for him.

But a few minutes later, he saw Hermione helping Neville Longbottom and he shouted at them.

"Detention, Mr Malfoy!" said Severus, angrily, "Be in my office tonight at seven o'clock. And, Miss Granger, if I see you helping Longbottom again, I'll be forced to give him, and you, a zero for today's work."

Draco smiled and the Slytherins chuckled.

"Silence!" Severus said.

And the class went on as one could predict: Draco didn't finish his potion and Hermione stopped trying to help Longbottom – whose cauldron melted, nearly burning the boy's feet.


7 p.m.

Potions Lab

Severus was grading some papers as he waited for his godson to arrive. He was using – and loving – the new special pen Elizabeth had given him for his birthday.

It was an amazing writing tool – its ink never ended and he could change its colour with a simple flick of his wand. And the pen itself was beautiful: dark emerald green with his initials engraved with silver. His daughter had expensive tastes – but they were always of the highest quality.

Then there were knocks on the door.

"Come in," he said.

"Good evening, godfather," Draco greeted him, walking in and closing the door, "I have some great news to share with you!"

Severus lowered his pen to the desk and looked at him sternly.

"I'm here as your teacher and Head of House, Mr Malfoy. Finish your detention and then we'll be able to speak as godfather and godson."

"Yes, sir," Draco stopped talking and lowered his head in respect, "What should I do, professor?"

"Quite simple: I left all the necessary ingredients over that table for you to prepare the potion you should have done in class earlier. You are to brew it according to the instructions in your textbook."

"Alright, professor, I'll begin right-" Draco stopped speaking; his eyes falling on the pen on his teacher's desk and he felt as if lightening had struck him.

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