Godson Problems & A Jealous Husband

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Forbidden Forest

After he had left the house where Remus and Snape had taken him, Sirius walked idly for a while, thinking about the next step of his plan.

He couldn't tell either of them what he intended to do, he feared Remus wouldn't agree with his plans and Snape would certainly tell Dumbledore – and the old man would intervene.

So Sirius walked for most of the early morning, in his animagus form, being careful not to be seen by centaurs and other creatures from the Forbidden Forest.

He knew where he was going to find place where he could hide and no one would find him, so he walked back to Hogsmeade, walking through the beautiful village, accepting food from kids and kind people that saw the scraggly dog and felt sorry for him.

A little before noon, Sirius found himself near Florence's house – now Snivellus' house as well.

He stopped in front of the beautiful home, and let out a doggy sigh.

If he were honest with himself, he had to admit he'd always known Florence would never be truly his, but he couldn't shake the feeling that, now that she had married Snivellus, he had lost her forever.

He kept on walking for a few more blocks, until he finally arrived at his destination and, ignoring the sign that said NO TRESPASSING, he walked the long path towards his well-known Shrieking Shack.


A week later

Snapes' family home

Severus arrived home later than he had wished for that night.

The kids and Florence were no longer downstairs; so he walked into the kitchen and found Tiffany still in there.

"Hi, Tiffany, serve me my dinner in the bedroom, please," he said.

"Right away, Master," the elf answered, noticing he was tired and adding half a glass of firewhisky to his tray.

He walked upstairs and heard Florence's sweet voice coming from Christopher's bedroom; he stopped by the door and peeked inside, seeing his beautiful wife in there reading their five-year-old son a book; the boy, all tucked in on his bed, was trying hard not to fall asleep.

Severus smiled at the sweet scene.

Hey, love. He said through their bond.

Florence smiled without looking at the door, not wanting to let her son know his dad was home.

Don't get in here, Chris will want to play with you.

I know. I'm too tired for that tonight. I'll go take a shower.

She discreetly nodded.


Severus had already showered and was having dinner at the small table by the balcony in their bedroom, dressed only a pair of dark-blue boxer-briefs, when Florence entered the room.

"Hey, Sev," she kissed his lips and sat on the bed.

"It took Chris a long time to fall asleep," he commented.

"Yes. He doesn't like that the twins have to go to school, but now he's really upset that Liz will be away this year too," Florence covered herself with the soft duvet.

Severus remembered the thought he had had at the safe-house a week ago, and he decided to mention it to her: "I know you said we should wait to have more babies after Chris, but... he'll be six in November, Flor. And, like you said: he'll be the only kid home after September."

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora