New Friends

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Riding the Hogwarts Express the next day was fun.

Florence had never spent so much time on a train before.

Severus and her sat most of the time in a compartment with Lily, Alice and Frank. Even Remus Lupin joined them for a few minutes.

Occasionally, Florence and Severus were alone, and they took full advantage of those precious minutes, she sat on his lap as they heavily snogged - making her ponder if her choosing to not wear a skirt on the train had been a blessing or a curse.

However, halfway through the six-hour trip, Severus left their compartment for about an hour to talk to his friends – Travers had called him to discuss 'business' (his words), and Florence didn't follow him, she wanted to avoid being close to anyone whose family was a follower of her father's.


King's Cross Station

Eileen Snape was there when the train arrived at the platform, waiting nervously to see her goddaughter. And when she spotted her son, hand in hand with a gorgeous brown-haired girl, she practically ran towards them.

"Severus! Florence!"

Eileen hugged her son and then turned to look at the girl.

"Look at you! You are so beautiful and so grown up! I'm so happy to see you!" she hugged Florence, "You really remind me of your mum," she smiled at her, but suddenly frowned, looking from her to Severus, "Wait. Were you two holding hands?"

The couple blushed but neither said a word.

Eileen laughed at their embarrassment and shook her head, "I am not letting you two off the hook so easily! I want to know what's happening here!"

"Can we get home first?" asked Severus, looking around the platform, not liking the attention his mother was calling.

Eileen startled, "Of course!" as if she had forgotten what she had gone there to do.

She pulled a small mirror from her bag, activating the portkey with her wand, and in seconds they were transported to her backyard.


They walked into Eileen's house at Spinner's End through the back door, entering the kitchen and following her to the living room.

Florence ashamedly realised that that had to be the smallest house she'd ever been to. And it was not as luxurious as she was used to either, but it was clean and it looked cosy.

The first floor had a comfortable living room with a sofa, two armchairs, a pretty rug and a large fireplace, there was also a dining space and a kitchen; the second floor had two bedrooms and each bedroom had it's own bathroom.

"Florence you may leave you bags in my room," Eileen said as they entered the living room.

"I don't want to bother you, godmother..."

"It's no bother having you here, my dear!" exclaimed Eileen picking up both her hands, "Don't you ever think that! I've waited years to see you again! I want you to feel at home here. Our house is not as big as what I know you are used to, we only have two bedrooms here, and that's why you're sleeping in mine."

"I can sleep on the sofa, mum," Offered Severus, "Florence can have my room."

"I can't kick you out of your own room, Severus!" Florence said.

"I insist," he replied.

"Fine. I'll accept it," Florence said, smiling as she pictured herself sleeping on a bed that smelled like him.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now