Some Good Deeds and Baby Chris

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Snapes' family home

One Saturday evening

There was someone knocking insistently at the front door, so Tiffany stopped doing the preparations for dinner and went to open it – getting immediately displeased by who she saw standing on the front porch.

"You," said the elf, bitterly.

"I need to talk to Delacour! It's urgent!" exclaimed the woman on the porch.

"Tiffany doesn't think her Mistress would like to talk to the liked of you. Have a good night," and Tiffany started closing the door.

"No! Please! It truly is an emergency!" the woman held the door open, sounding desperate.

Severus, recognising her voice, stood up from the armchair where he had been reading a potions magazine and walked to the door.

"Severus? You're here!" the woman exclaimed, surprised, "So the rumours are true."

"I don't listen to rumours, Cassie, as you very well know. Why are you here?" he asked, truly curious to know what could've happened to make her to knock on Florence's door.

Rosmerta crossed her arms, looking at him, "I've never hid I hate Florence, but... it's my father," her voice broke, "He's not well, and she's a healer; people in the village say she's a good one."


Florence was walking out of the library when she saw her husband at the door, and then her eyes fell on the woman on their porch, and her veela jumped inside her mind, growling in jealously for the first time in years. She walked to the door, stopping beside Severus, "What's happening here?"

"It's my father," quickly explained Rosmerta, "He's very sick, but he refuses to go to the hospital. My mother is the only person he wants looking after him, that's why I came. We think he's got Dragon Pox."

Florence immediately took a step away from the door, her hand going to her round four-month-pregnant belly, in a protective move.

You can't go. Severus said through their bond.

I know. Florence replied.

Rosmerta didn't miss that, "You're pregnant," she easily concluded, a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Yes," Florence said, not giving her any more information, "Have you had any contact with your father?"

"No," Rosmerta shook her head, "Once he fell ill, I started to man the pub for him; only my mother looks after him. I'm not even living with them at the moment."

Florence visibly relaxed.

"Dragon Pox is extremely dangerous for an unborn baby. For that reason: I'm sorry, but I can't go see your father in person. However... we can give you something to help him heal," she looked at her husband, "Get ten vials of the new Pepper Up we made last week and one of the golden Restorative Draught."

Severus nodded and went down to the lab, wondering if it was safe to leave the two women alone at the door.


Rosmerta looked at Florence in anger, her eyes falling on the ring on her finger.

"He married you," she said, not hiding her fury.

"I'm not discussing my private life with you, Cassiopeia," Florence sharply replied, "The fact that you're on my doorstep tells me your father is indeed very sick, and I'd never deny treatment to any person," she paused, "Not even to you."

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt