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Next morning

Florence went to the castle later than her husband, for she had to organise some things at home before going to spend the whole day at Hogwarts.

When she finally flooed into her husband's private quarters in the dungeons, he had long gone to his morning class, so she went to his lab to see if he needed anything to be brewed or marked.


Around eleven, Florence was finishing brewing some Wiggenweld Potion for Pomfrey, when she heard the door of the lab being opened and Severus walked in, looking annoyed.

"'Morning, Prof. Snape," she greeted him, "You look a little angry, sir."

He stopped, slamming the door behind him and looking at her; he had forgotten that Florence would start working there that morning – he had nearly forgotten about the surprise he had planned for her at eleven-fifteen.

"Actually, Mediwitch Delacour," Severus drawled, feeling his annoyance leave his body completely, "I just walked out of a double class with fourth-year Slytherin and Gryffindor students. What do you suggest as a stress relief?"

Florence smiled, "As soon as I finish here, I can share with you some ideas, professor."

Severus moved towards her, putting into action what he had planned for her first day at work.

"Remember that day when you walked in here after seeing Lupin?" he said, stopping right behind her.

"Yes, you were a real arsehole that day."

"Was I?" he whispered, rubbing his nose down the curve of her neck.

"Sodding jealous of Remus," she continued, "refusing to talk to me, spewing insults."

"Well, in my defence, you had this sweet smile on your lips and were thinking of another man. I just wanted to show you that you are mine."

"And how would you have done that?" Florence closed her eyes briefly, still stirring the potion in front of her six times anticlockwise, but feeling her body tremble in desire.

He put his lips near her ear, whispering: "I'd have pressed you against this table and reminded you of all the things only I can do to you."

"Hmm... and what are those?" she pretended innocence.

He chuckled darkly, "Feel that?" his voice low, his hands touching down her waist, "Your body is getting ready to have me bend you over this table and take you."

"Is it?" she whispered breathlessly, "I may need some convincing, professor."

Severus watched her add the last ingredient to the cauldron and stir. When he knew she had finished it, he took out his wand and vanished the fire, levitating the half-full cauldron away from them.

Then he bit her neck and pressed his body onto her back, feeling her melt against him, hearing her sigh of pleasure.

Florence saw him raise his wand to her chest and trembled as she realised what he was about to do.

"Divesto," he cast and her clothes disappeared.

"I bet," he said in her ear, with one hand stopping under her chin, wrapped around her neck, holding her face tilted up against his shoulder, "if I touched between your legs, you'd be creaming for me already."

Florence let out a soft whimper, loving the complete control he had over her body.

"So, tell me, princess," he continued, one hand fondling her breasts, rubbing his thumb on a hard nipple, "are you convinced yet?"

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now