The Headmaster's Death

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June 2nd, 1997

Hogwarts Dungeons

Severus slowly opened his eyes, feeling the familiar weight of his wife's head on his chest, and sighed.

That was the day.

Dumbledore's last day.

The headmaster would be dead before dawn the next day, and Severus would be the one to murder him.

He slowly moved Florence's head to a pillow and got up, putting on some joggers and going to the living room fireplace to ask the school's kitchens for breakfast for two.

"I thought we'd be eating with Dumbledore today," he heard Florence say from the bedroom door.

He looked towards her voice and smiled; the sight of his incredible wife dressed in one of his undershirts always had him smiling – even in a horrible day like that.

Severus walked to where she was and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her in a tender embrace.

"We'll have lunch with Albus today," he said, after another kiss, "But I want to have breakfast just the two of us."

Florence could feel his anxiety and sadness, there was even a hint of anger coming from him. She touched both hands to his face and kissed his lips again.

"It's alright. I'm here for you, Severus," she pressed their foreheads together.

He kissed her once more, holding her tightly against his chest.

She caressed down his strong back, comforting him.

"We'll find a way to get out of this hole we're getting into tonight, Sev. Together."

But he didn't say anything, just tightened his arms around her and buried his nose in her hair, needing her comfort.


Hospital Wing

At around ten that morning, Dobby apparated in the infirmary to tell Florence that Dumbledore was calling her to his office.

She thanked the sweet elf and walked into the fireplace, flooing to the Headmaster's office.

"Florence!" Dumbledore exclaimed as soon as she walked out of the green flames.

"You called me, headmaster."

"Yes. Join me for tea, dear," he pointed at the tray on his desk.

In any other day, she'd have declined and just asked him to go straight to the point – but not that day.

There wouldn't be any more calls for tea at strange hours after that night.

So Florence nodded, "Of course, Dumbledore," and sat on the chair in front of his desk.

She poured two tea cups and took one for herself, sipping the hot beverage and finally looking into Dumbledore's eyes.

He smiled kindly, "You know that what I've asked from Severus I couldn't possibly ask from anyone else, don't you?"

"Yes. I know," Florence said, putting her cup on the table and staring at him, trying to change the subject: "Why are you taking Harry to get a Horcrux that you already know is fake?"

"To give him an idea of how hard it'll be to actually find and retrieve the still missing Horcruxes."

She silently nodded, understanding, "And will you tell him he's one?"

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