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Two days later

May 1978

At Eileen's house

Since the day Florence had got there, Eileen could tell something was not right with her goddaughter. Florence was just not acting like her usual self; she was eating, going for walks every morning, and doing everything Pomfrey had ordered her to do, but something wasn't right.

Eileen saw her crying almost everyday – and that was not at all characteristic of her goddaughter.

And Tiffany was an angry house-elf, hating to see her Mistress so sad.

"Do you know why Flor's crying, Tiff?" Eileen asked.

"Because of him! Eileen's son!" growled the elf, "If Tiffany could put her hands on him..."

Eileen sighed, knowing there was nothing she could say to defend Severus, so she walked towards Florence, who was silently crying in the living room.

"What's bothering you, Flor?"

"It's probably just hormones, godmother. I've never cried daily before in my life and I just can't seem to stop now."

"It's not just hormones, dear," Eileen sat beside her, "Talk to me."

Florence's bottom lip trembled and her voice broke: "I'm so angry, godmother. I'm hurt and angry and terrified," she admitted, taking a deep shaky breath, "What will happen to my kids if my father wins the war? And to Severus? And to all my friends? Will I have to hide my children for the rest of my life? Will they grow up to never learn the truth about their dad?" she paused, "I'm so tired of worrying and crying! And I'm so fucking angry at Severus! He should be here! By my side! Making plans and worrying with me!"

Eileen pulled her to a hug, "Those same thoughts keep me awake at night too, dear. It kills me not to be able to tell my son he'll be a father. He'd be so happy, and certainly more terrified than both of us. But I know he can't know, because he was dumb and greedy to give up your love for money and power."

"I can't stop thinking about my father's threat," Florence looked at Eileen, "I don't know what I'll do if he kills Severus."

Eileen tried to hide her own fear, "Don't wonder about what ifs. The only thing you should be worrying right now is about these babies."

"I can feel they are fine, Eileen. The same way I can feel their father is not," Florence added in a small voice: "I saw the Dark Mark on his arm. And he told me he's happy with his choice, but I could tell he was telling me only half of the truth."

"I saw it too," Eileen sighed, "He was Marked two days after his birthday."

Florence closed her eyes and more tears fell, "It hurt to see that on his arm."

Eileen just pulled her goddaughter to another hug, "I was horrified when I saw it. I didn't tell you anything for I didn't want you to worry even more..." she said, tearfully, "There's nothing we can do for my son now..." she touched Florence's belly, "But we have these two little angels to think of," she paused, "Listen, I'll go to Hogsmeade tomorrow, there's an opening at the village's Day Care Centre and I'd love to work there. Why don't you come with me?"

"Sure, it'll be good to go to the village. I need to buy some more baby clothing. And candy! I really need some candy!"


That night, at Hogwarts

Severus was awakened by the heavy weight of angst in his chest; he had no idea why but he had been feeling angry and anxious all of a sudden and for no apparent reason during the past month.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now