Halloween 81 part 1

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Saturday, October 31st 1981

Delacour Manor

On that beautiful but cold afternoon, Florence stood by the balcony door in her bedroom, sipping the ginger tea that Tiffany had prepared for her, and watched people walk up and down Hogsmeade's streets.

She glanced inside her bedroom, her gaze drifting a little further, into the ensuite bathroom, where a small yellow vial could be seen on the sink cabinet.

Here we go again. She thought wih a smile, touching her flat lower belly. Moving away from Hogsmeade is inevitable now.

Florence knew she wouldn't be able to lie to Severus about her pregnancy again; he was a clever man and would quickly realise that the baby she was expecting was his, next it wouldn't take much for him to reach the conclusion that the twins were also his - and then they'd all be at risk.

She closed her eyes and moved away from the balcony door, walking to the small table near the door. She'd hate to leave her home, but for the safety of her kids and Severus, she would do it in a heartbeat.

After finishing her tea, Florence went downstairs to check if the twins hadn't turned Melody insane yet.

Eileen would soon be there to look after them, for Florence was going to help with security during the Hogwarts Halloween party that night.

James and Lily were going to be there, it would be their first time out of their safe-house in over a year and, for that reason, many members of the Order of the Phoenix were going to be at the castle to ensure their security.

Florence reached the last step of the stairs in time to see Eileen walking out of the fireplace, shouting: "Where are my boys?"

"Grandma!" the twins screamed, running towards her and getting wrapped in her arms.

"Thanks for coming, godmother," said Florence, smiling at the boys' happiness, "Lily is going to leave baby Harry here later; I've added protections to the outside, so do not even try to open doors or windows for they're all magically sealed. She'll bring Harry by Floo and then go to the castle the same way."

"I understand, dear."

"And, please, don't give the boys too much sweets," Florence said, putting on her coat.

"Ok, ok... no sweets," Eileen said, winking at the twins. She took a small box from her purse, "Can you take this package to Severus, please?"

Florence glared at her, "I don't think that's a good idea," She'd been avoiding all possible contact with him for the past month, for it seemed like her father had new followers everywhere, and she was afraid of being seen with Severus by someone that could inadvertently tell her father.

"Oh, please, Florence, just give him the damn package! You don't even have to talk to him! Just throw it at his head!"

"Fine," Florence took the box from Eileen's hands, unable to not laugh at the image of her throwing the small package at a befuddled Severus.

She shook her head and kissed her sons goodbye before entering the fireplace and going to the castle.



Headmaster's Office

"Florence, my dear!" greeted Dumbledore as she was leaving his fireplace, "Minerva has been waiting for you!"

"Hello, Florence," said Severus, getting up from the chair in front of the desk.

"Hi, Severus," She controlled her urge to smile at the sight of him and just handed him the package that was in her hands, "Your mother asked me to give this to you."

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