Godsons & Friends

374 11 8

September 1993


Headmaster's office

First week of classes

Florence walked into Dumbledore's office after lunch one day to talk about Harry's Hogsmeade visits.

"Hi, Headmaster, I'm here to sign Harry's permission form to visit the village. Prof. McGonagall told me to talk to you."

Dumbledore looked at her with a concerned expression: "I don't think it's wise to let Harry out of the castle for now, my dear. It's too dangerous."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at him, "Funny, you trusted him enough to send him to kill a basilisk for you a couple of months ago – by himself! Now, visiting Hogsmeade with his classmates and teachers is suddenly too dangerous!"

"Florence, twice already your father has almost got to Harry. Now, we are not sure of Sirius's intentions... I'd rather the boy stayed inside the castle."

"Considering that both times that Harry was in danger were inside this castle, he'd be safer studying in the Forbidden Forest," she bitterly replied.

"She's got a point, Albus," said the painting of Phineas Black.

"You said you couldn't be certain of Sirius' intentions, Florence. As long as we remain unsure he doesn't mean any harm to Harry, I'm not letting the boy go to Hogsmeade, and that's final."

Florence got furious, "I can very well protect him in the village! Why are you denying him that? If there were dragons to be slayed there, you'd certainly send him to do it for you! I'm his legal guardian and I say he'll go to Hogsmeade!"

"And I'm this school's Headmaster," Dumbledore shot her a steely look, "He is not going. Even if you signed ten permission forms! He still wouldn't go."

Florence just glared at him and stormed out of the office – in great similarity to her husband's dramatic exits – so angry she could hear her veela growling inside her head.

Fucking manipulator senile windbag! I have no idea how he was a Gryffindor!

She went back to the hospital wing, where a new patient was being cared for by Pomfrey.

And their new Care of Magical Creatures professor, was there as well.

"Hello there, Prof. Hagrid," Florence greeted the half-giant, making him smile, "What brings you here?" she glanced from him to Draco Malfoy, who was lying on a bed, whimpering.

"Buckbeak," explained Hagrid, seeming a little embarrassed, "I 'as teaching the third years 'bout hippogriffs-"

"I was attacked by that monster!" shouted Draco, "My father will hear about this! You'll be back in Azkaban in no time! You freak!"

"Alright," said Florence, seeing right through the blond boy's exaggerated act and having no patience for his rudeness.

She moved her wand over Draco's body and made a very concerned face, "My my, Madam Pomfrey, I believe we'll have to send Mr Malfoy to St. Mungus. It looks like his arm is about to fall off."

That had Draco sitting up on the bed quickly and looking at his scratched arm, moving it around to see what she was talking about.

"Oh, it's a miracle! It looks nothing but scratched now!" exclaimed Pomfrey, rolling her eyes at him. Then she looked at Florence, "Just some Wiggenweld, right, Madam Delacour?"

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