Quirrell is not Quirrell

397 14 5

November 2nd 1991

Hogwarts' dungeons

Early evening

"Did you find out who let the troll loose inside the castle two days ago?" asked Florence, as she lay in bed with her husband, her head on his chest, her legs entwined with his.

"Yes." Severus replied, lazily caressing her naked body. "Quirrell did it."

"Why would he do that?" she lifted her head from his chest to look at his face.

"My guess is he was looking for the philosopher's stone, but Dumbledore disagrees; he says it was an accident."

"So you think Quirrell wants the stone. What for?"

"I don't know. But he's changed, Quirrell is not the same this year..."

"There's definitely something off with him," Florence said, sitting up on the bed.

"What do you mean, love?" he frowned.

"He looks at me... weirdly."

"Every man with eyes looks at you, Flor." Severus chuckled, pulling her back to his chest, touching her naked back, just enjoying how relaxed he felt after a long round of passionate sex.

"No, Sev... this is different; he looks at me with something akin to curiosity and not desire."

"I'll make him stop looking at you, don't worry," he said, a little angry.

"Oh, will you now?" she smiled, kissing upwards from his chest to his lips.

"You can be sure of it; you're mine – everyone knows that by now! And I agree that he's weird, Flor, but he won't be here much longer. After all, DADA teachers only last a year."

"Thanks to daddy-dearest cursing the position," she said, biting his bottom lip.

"Yes," Severus paused, "I can only imagine the kind of teacher your father would be... hexing the students and letting them struggle to get rid of them. Just like he did with you," he caressed her face, lovingly.

"Can't say his methods don't work," she shrugged, "I learned."

"Sure, under torture," he brushed her hair away from her cheek and kissed her deeply, making her sigh, "Last week I talked to Dumbledore about Quirrell, but he just said the man is eccentric."

Florence laid her head on his chest and entwined her left hand with his right one, "Maybe I'm seeing things... it's been so long since we had to worry about the war... and we've become careless as the years went by."

"Careless is an understatement," Severus snorted, "The whole wizarding world has heard about the twins and knows of at least one of the many theories about us."

"I like the vampire one," she chuckled, "The whole being locked up in the dungeons and bitten thing... sounds naughty and sexy."

"And not very far from the truth."

She laughed, but he could tell she was still concerned.

"We'll be fine, love. When he returns, we'll know, the Mark-"

"I know. I know. The Mark will darken and we will know. And we will be ready."

"Yes, Flor, we will," he kissed her wedding ring, hearing her stomach rumble and using that to change the subject: "Now, I can see that someone is hungry, how about you stay here and we ask for dinner?"

"Mm, I see what you're doing... distracting me with food and a quiet dinner."

"Is it working?" He held her close and kissed her again, tongues lazily caressing each other, "Are you staying the night here, love?"

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang