The Date

548 18 14

At Eileen's house

After their first lunch together as a family, Severus played in the snow with his sons in the backyard until the boys were exhausted and fell asleep on the sofa in the back porch, then he carried them upstairs, putting them on the bed in his old bedroom.

He was about to leave the room when a picture on the nightstand caught his eye and he picked it up, smiling.

How many nights this picture made me hate myself.

But now he smiled as he looked at the young couple in that picture – it hadn't been taken that long ago, about five years, but it felt like ten considering all they had been through to finally find their way back to each other.

He put the picture back on the nightstand and looked around the room; there were so many memories there. He had first made love to Florence in that room; he had cursed his bad choices and cried nearly every night in there after he had left Hogwarts; and those two little boys sleeping on the bed had been conceived right there on that mattress.

Severus sighed in contentment – his life had taken turns and had many ups and downs, but now he had Florence and his kids, and nothing would harm them or take them away from him.

He kissed the boys' foreheads and left the room.


When he reached the ground floor, Florence and his mother were sitting in the back porch, laughing and enjoying a cup of tea.

"I dreamed of this day," he heard Eileen say, "the five of us having lunch together as a family, Severus and the boys playing in the yard," she sipped her tea and said with studied nonchalance: "I only wonder when I might be getting more grandchildren – imagine a little princess running around this house!"

Florence chuckled, "I'm not saying 'no' to the possibility of that happening, but it might be too soon to think about it."

"Should've remembered to cast a Contraceptive Spell, Miss Delacour," said Severus, walking into the porch and sitting beside her at the table, winking at her before kissing her briefly.

Sure. She sent him through their bond, sarcastically. Because contraception is exactly what I think about whenever you put your hands on me.

Thankgoodness it's not. I'd be offended if it were. He replied.

She shook her head, making a mental note to brew herself some Contraceptive Potion and take it as soon as possible.

"Now that the boys are asleep," he said as he accepted the tea Florence handed him, "I'll go to Hogwarts for an hour or so. I need to see if Dumbledore has received any new information about Bellatrix and her husband."

"They've been sighted again?" Florence worried.

"Yes. Apparently, they are in Italy."

She looked surprised, "In Italy? Are you kidding me?"

"No, love. The Italian aurors narrowed down the area where they are probably hiding, its a rich-folks beach called Forte dei Marmi, in the Tuscany area; but the aurors are having a hard time locating the house. They believe it's probably protected from outsiders and muggles. One would have to know about it to be able to see it and get inside. Our only hope is that Andromeda accepts to help the aurors or that Narcissa decides to visit her sister."

Florence looked at him with a mischievous smile, "Dromeda and Cissy aren't your only hope – there's also me. When are we leaving?"

"You? What are you talking about?" Severus frowned.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now