Concerns & Visitors

349 9 14

November 1993

Great Hall


The two Quidditch teams of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs students walked into the Great Hall in their uniforms and the usual shouts and crazy bets emerged from both tables.

However, some students glanced at the windows with worry – a heavy rain was falling outside, the ferocious wind throwing the downpour against the glass, making the windows shake violently; thunders and lightning so loud and frequent that no one would dare walk outside in such a dangerous weather – therefore many wondered why the Quidditch match hadn't been postponed.

At the high table, Severus seemed surprised at the sight of the donned players.

"Madam Hooch," he turned to look at her, "Hasn't the match been cancelled?"

But the Quidditch teacher scoffed: "It needs more than just a little rain to get me to cancel Quidditch, Severus!"

"A little rain," he repeated, arching an eyebrow as he looked at the rattling windows.

"Why do you care, Severus?" asked Remus, sitting beside him on Florence's usual chair, a faint scar still crossing over his right eye, "Slytherin was supposed to play but I heard you got chicken and rescheduled the match."

"Exactly!" laughed Hooch, "You don't even have to go watch it, Severus!"

Severus glared at the man beside him, "No one got chicken, as you so eloquently put it, Lupin. Our seeker is hurt, as soon as Mr Malfoy gets better, we'll play!"

"Hurt since September," added Remus mockingly, "Sounds like chicken to me," he laughed, adding in a low voice: "I'm honestly surprised to see you here. Leaving Flor alone on the weekends now?"

"If you must know, Lupin, I had a very satisfying night's sleep at home," Severus replied with a smirk, clearly meaning he'd had sex, "But Dumbledore asked me to come here early this morning to discuss the possible whereabouts of a certain missing dog."

Then Severus turned to Pomfrey, for Remus' mentioning of his wife's name reminded him that she might be needed in the castle if the students were going to be playing in that weather.

"Aren't you alone at the infirmary today, Madam Pomfrey?"

"Yes, Severus. But I'll be calling Florence here as soon as I finish breakfast. As if dementors weren't problem enough! Now Quidditch in a downpour!" she glared at Prof. Hooch, who just rolled her eyes.


Florence got Pomfrey's message a few minutes after 9 a.m., so she took little Chris to his grandmother's house and went to Hogwarts.

The Quidditch match had already begun when she arrived, but she wasn't going to watch it, she went straight to the hospital wing instead.

"Hi, Poppy!"

"Thankgoodness you're here, Florence!'

"How does Hooch think the students will play in this wind?" she asked Pomfrey, as the windows rattled noisily due to the strong wind outside.

"That's why I called you, dear."

Sudden shouts in the corridor let them know patients were arriving, as expected.

A group of five people walked into the hospital wing. Severus in front of them, carrying a student in his arms, the muddy uniform letting her know it was a Gryffindor player.

"Put him here, Severus," Florence said, showing him a bed.

And he did, looking at her with concern – and she quickly understood why.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now