The War: Act Two

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At Hogwarts

The twins apparated Harry and Luna as close to the Ravenclaw Tower as they could – having never been to that part of the castle before, they relied on Luna's memory to guide their apparition.

It worked well enough, and they decided not to risk going to the seventh floor to find the Room of Requirement just then but hid in an empty classroom instead, while Luna and Harry went looking for the ghost of the Grey Lady.

Hey, Nick. Called James, after a while, as he looked out the window. Check this.

And Nicholas approached him, looking outside as well. Bloody beautiful here, isn't it? He said. Mum said we stayed here when we were three for a few days before she and dad got back together. Do you remember it?

No. I remember having breakfast with dad for the first time, though. He gave us bacon!

Nick nodded. I remember talking to him about his birthday. But it's a hazy memory...

They looked outside for a while longer.

I'd love to have studied here... Nicholas said.

I'll work here. Said James with certainty. Dad probably won't want to be a Potions teacher after the war, so I'll apply to be his apprentice and become a teacher like him.

Nicholas smiled. You mean you'll ask mum to convince dad to take you as an official apprentice, so that you can become a teacher here.

James smirked. You got it, bro.

Nick laughed. My plans are exactly the same. I'll apply to be Flitwick's apprentice though. Since I truly love Charms.

James smiled, happy to know they wouldn't have to live away from each other after all.

You'll get a house in the village too?

That's the plan. Said Nick, nodding. Fred can floo to the store in Diagon Alley and Lynne can go to the daycare we used to go.

Same plan. James smiled. Get a house in Hogsmeade, Mione can floo to wherever she wishes to study, and when we have kids, they'll go to the daycare.

Good plan. Now we just have to kill grandfather.

James snorted, Yeah, just commit parricide before buying a house.

Nicholas grimaced, but before he could reply they saw Harry's Patronus stag enter the room, gallop towards them, and say: "We've got an idea where it is! Meet us on the west corridor of the seventh floor. Be careful to not be seen by students, the Gryffindor Tower is on that floor as well."

And the twins disapparated.


Meanwhile in Hogsmeade

It was a pleasant early-afternoon, so Cassiopeia Rosmerta was sweeping off the stone pavement in front of the Three Broomsticks, thinking dejectedly how business had plummeted after Severus left Hogwarts.

Lately, there were death eaters all over the village; one could even see dementors roaming the streets during the day!

No matter how deeply Rosmerta hated Florence, she had to admit that at least the mediwitch had been useful in keeping the death eaters and the dementors away from Hogsmeade while she was Minister.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

The sound of three people apparating unexpectedly startled Rosmerta, making her look around frantically and dread who could have arrived – for her pub had been seeing some very dangerous patrons lately.

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