Relief & Claws

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Back in the dungeons, Severus closed the door of his living room quarters and had his coming relieved sigh abruptly interrupted:

"Evening, Severus."

"Florence," he tried not to smile at her angry face – he knew right then he was in trouble.

"You know," she spoke in a deceitfully calm tone, "I was at home," she got up from the armchair she was occupying and walked slowly towards him, "Chris and Sophie were asleep, and I was in bed, missing my husband..." she unfastened the buttons of his waistcoat and pulled his undershirt out of his trousers, touching his hard abs, "When, suddenly, my mind was filled by images of my father's house," she tilted her head and asked in feigned curiosity, "Why do you think that happened, husband?"

"You miss that place?" he replied, knowing it would only annoy her further.

Florence stopped touching him, narrowing her eyes, "You do like it when you get in trouble, don't you?"

"Oh, yes, love to fuck you all angry."

She sighed, aware that when he acted stupid, she never got anything from him, "What happened there, Severus? Our bond only let me know you were in the house, I couldn't see what was happening."

"I was called for my private audience with your father," he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her lips, "And we discussed: you," he kissed her again, "How obedient of a wife you are."

Florence rolled her eyes, "Sure. My father would never believe I'm an obedient little wife."

"That's why I told him you're obedient – most of the time."

She touched his face, "Did he hurt you?"

"No. He said killing me would give him an enemy he isn't sure he can afford," he kissed her shoulder.

She raised her eyebrows, surprised by the information that her father considered her a dangerous enemy to have.

"And he said that he gives us his blessing," added Severus.

Florence stared at him, frowning, "That's it?" it sounded all too good to be true.

"Well, I may have told him you are an ally now. That I was able to change your mind during the years."

"And the kids? Did you tell him anything?"

"Yes. Only about the twins, as we had previously discussed."

Florence nodded slowly, "Yes. They look too much like you to be hidden, and a lot of people know about them already..." she let out a long breath, "So, overall, it went better than expected."

"Well, I'm alive. And you'll have a brilliant future career as his Minister of Magic, when he takes over the Ministry."

Florence looked at him, frowning, "I- what? He actually said that?"

"Yes. 'A beautiful well-educated mediwitch will be easily accepted by the wizarding society' – those were his exact words."

"Holy shit. I- I don't want that to happen," Florence exclaimed indignantly, "I don't want to work for him!"

Severus let out a worried sigh, "If time comes, you'll have no choice, Flor."

She pushed him away, "This is your fault! You're in danger, our kids are in danger, and I'll have to work for my father in the future!" she nervously touched her hands to her face.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now