Now you know, now you don't

402 17 31

April 1981

Delacour Manor

In the guest bedroom, Eileen stretched on the bed, her eyes still closed, as she just enjoyed those precious minutes in the early morning when her grandsons were still asleep and the house was quiet.

She loved those two little boys more than anything in the world, but they were a handful; after a day of running after them, feeding them, playing, giving snacks, playing some more, and finally putting them to bed, all she wanted was some hours of silence.

Sometimes Eileen couldn't believe how much her life had changed over the years; a decade ago she was a single mom, with a shy and brilliant son, and struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table.

But ten years later, her beloved son had worked hard to make sure she had a very comfortable life, she worked at her dream job, had met Florence, her dear goddaughter, who had given her two amazing grandsons.

There was only one thing that could make Eileen's life perfect: her son's happiness.

Severus's place was in that house, with his sons and the woman he loved; his absence in their lives was obvious.

Yes, the twins adored Sirius Black, but he was just a big child, he was a playmate, not a father figure; Severus's love and guidance would make a huge impact in the twins' lives.

And Florence, she needed Severus just as much, she missed him, she worried about him.

She was an amazing mum, a bright and strong witch, but keeping secrets to protect Severus and the kids was taking its toll on her.

Eileen often feared for her goddaughter, she wondered what would happen to Florence if Severus ended up getting himself killed. As his mother, Eileen would certainly suffer, but she knew his death would crush Florence.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she got out of bed, trying to shake off those gloomy thoughts, focusing on getting up to start another happy day with her grandsons.

It was a Saturday, so that meant a whole day at home with them.

She changed her clothes and went looking for her two sweet angels.

But the boys were not in their own beds, so Eileen walked to Florence's bedroom and, there they were, one boy on either side of Florence, all three of them sleeping.

A smile took over Eileen's face, her heart filled with love for those kids and the special young woman on the bed.

She quietly closed the door and went downstairs to the kitchen to ask Tiffany to serve breakfast for them in Florence's room.


As Tiffany and Melody finished organising the breakfast table in the bedroom, Florence moved on the bed, slowly waking up.

"Good morning, Eileen," she said with a yawn, sitting up on the bed.

"Good morning, dear," Eileen sat close to her and kissed her cheek; then she looked at the twins, "Can you tell them apart when they're sleeping?" she asked, caressing one of the boys' dark hair.

"Yes. This one is Jamie," said Florence, touching the boy on her right.

"How can you tell?"

"James has the stronger personality of the two of them but he's a lot more insecure than his brother. He always sleeps holding my arm or a pillow," she touched the other boy, "Nick, on the other hand, always sleeps like that, on his back, arms and legs spread out, not a care in the world," she chuckled.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now