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February 1980

Florence had just started her second year as a student in St Mungus, but the Healer-in-charge, Prof. Smethwyck, had already sent her to work in the hospital, he said she didn't need to learn the theories anymore, she needed to practice.

Not to mention that the hospital was in need of more healers, for the war was getting worse and every day aurors and death eaters alike arrived in need of medical attention. Some had such extensive wounds that they arrived there just to die within hours.

Every time a death eater arrival was announced, letting the healers know their patient would arrive surrounded by aurors, Florence waited nervously by the elevators, fearing that it could be Severus and he'd just get there to die in front of her.

"We should be thanking our new Minister, Millicent Bagnold, for all this extra work," said Healer-in-training Arnold, bitterly, as they were getting their things in the Healers' locker room after having cared for five death eaters that afternoon.

"Why do you say that?" asked Piper, another healer.

"She has made it easier for one to become an auror," explained Florence, as she opened up her locker, "My boyfriend has applied to become one and he was easily accepted. But believe me when I say that he, for sure, wouldn't have the grades to get into the program otherwise."

"You're dating the Black's heir, right?" asked Piper, smiling, "He's hot!"

Florence just smiled at her, not adding any information. Her relationship with Sirius was just for show – at least on her part – she didn't want to talk about him more than the extremely necessary.

She had tried to break up with him more than once already, for she thought it wasn't fair to him to be tied to her, unable to have a real girlfriend, a woman that loved and desired him, just to help maintain her lie.

But Sirius always replied that he didn't mind, that he was sure if he were around long enough Florence would love and desire him, one day.

She sighed, the truth was that she didn't even bother to be around him anymore, he was too childish for her liking.

The twins loved their Uncle Padfoot of course, he was a fun-loving man who always had chocolate on his pockets – he was truly great with them.

He was unable to register the boys as his since he and Florence weren't married (some Marriage Law that protected the Sacred Twenty-Eight from gold-diggers); but he accepted being Nick's godfather, treated them like they were his nephews and loved both kids with all his heart.

Regarding their relationship as a couple, Florence had already given up trying, she didn't even let him kiss her lips anymore, for she didn't see the point; her body didn't react to his touches and her mind wasn't stimulated by their conversations.

Everyone already believed that he was her sons' father – and that was all she needed.


March 1980

Florence was tired; her day at the hospital had been filled by injured aurors, death eaters and muggles; she had had to obliviate quite a few people that day and that demanded a lot of energy.

She had picked up her kids at the Day Care centre at five-thirty and gone through their night routine as usual; first they played together, then they had dinner, she gave them baths and around nine put them to bed, singing for them to sleep.

Florence was walking out of the twins' bedroom, still dressed in jeans and a jumper, considering skipping the shower and just changing into her pyjamas before falling in bed.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now