Boys in Trouble

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Meanwhile, somewhere in Central London

Two teenagers were running like crazy through the narrow alleys – a pack of five werewolves chasing them.

"We're lost, you idiot!" shouted James.

"But we're still alive, you prick!" Nicholas shouted.

"Keep running!" exclaimed James, "We have to reach your boyfriend's place!"

"Let's find a hidden place and disapparate!"

And so they did, appearing in a blink of an eye right in front of the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes shop in Diagon Alley and beginning to knock hard on the door.

"Open the door!" James shouted, his wand pointing at the second-floor window, "Lumos maxima."

One of the red-haired twins appeared in the illuminated window.

"What's...?" then he looked down, "James? Nicholas? Wait a minute, guys!"

Less than a minute later the front door was opened and they ran in.

"Close the door!" James ordered as they entered the dark jokeshop.

"Let's go upstairs," invited George.

And they walked upstairs to the Weasleys' apartment.

"What happened to you?" asked Fred, hugging and kissing his boyfriend, noticing he was gasping for air.

"Death Eaters," Nicholas answered, panting, "Werewolves. Both."

George gave each of them a glass of water and asked: "What were you two doing out at this late hour, mates? You know it's dangerous times we're living!"

"We were coming here," started James, "but we saw a gathering of five men at the square and we-"

"WE?" shouted Nick, "There's no WE! You're the one that had the brilliant idea to follow those guys!"

"What guys? The werewolves?" asked George, frowning, "Why would you follow werewolves?"

"I wasn't sure they were werewolves..." James said, "The death eaters are attacking in groups now, they call themselves Snatchers. They kidnap, torture, rape and murder whoever they find wandering at night."

"Lovely," said Fred sarcastically, "And you thought: why not follow them?"

"James thought we could stop them ourselves," growled Nicholas.

"And we could! But you ran!"

Nick stopped right in front of his brother and pushed him.

"Did you want them to take a good look at us, James? Is that what you wanted? You know that would only bring more problems for our family! One good look at your stupid mug and they'd know!"

George was about to ask them something when a Patronus wolf appeared inside the room.

"Where are you?" asked the wolf in a female voice, "If you're not dead, you better come home as soon as you get this message!" the wolf stopped talking but remained there, looking at the two black-haired boys with reproachful eyes.

"I suppose this is your mother's Patronus," said George, pointing at the wolf.

The dark-haired twins nodded.

"Wait! I know that voice," Fred looked at his boyfriend, "Yes. It has to be! You even have her eyes! You two are Mediwitch Delacour's sons!"

Nicholas shook his head, ready to deny it, but his brother opened his mouth first:

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