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Early next morning

Eileen walked into Florence's room and looked at her sleeping form, admiring how beautiful she was and thinking how stupid her son had been to throw away the love of such an amazing young woman.

She hated seeing either of them suffering, having to be apart from each other when they belonged together.

All because of Severus' obsession with money.

She shook her head, glancing into the en-suite bathroom and stopping- Was that...?

She quickly stood up and got closer, picking up the small vial with the yellow liquid with awe.

She carried it to the bedroom and sat on the bed, letting the tears fall.

She was going to be a grandma – it was real.

She closed her hand around the vial and brought it to her chest, feeling her happiness turn a little bittersweet as she realised that her son couldn't know he was going to be a dad.

"Morning, godmother," whispered Florence sitting up on the bed and stretching, "I see that you've found the pregnancy test..."

"Yes, my dear. You're truly pregnant!" she said in amazement, hugging Florence, "This is incredible! I'm going to be a grandma! I'm so happy! How are you feeling?"

"I'm happy and afraid. But mostly really really happy," she smiled, "I love your son, and this baby is a piece of him I'll have with me forever," she sighed sadly, "And he'll never know..."

"I know, Flor," Eileen touched her face. "Maybe someday we'll be able to tell him about the baby. I'm certain he'll be so happy. He loves you, you know."

Florence just nodded.

"Now," continued Eileen, "Get up, cause I'm getting Pomfrey here ASAP!"

Florence got up, changed into a comfy dress and by the time she was leaving her bedroom, she could hear the Floo activating and Eileen welcoming Madam Pomfrey.


After Florence explained to the mediwitch why they needed to keep that pregnancy secret – news that Pomfrey took quite well, being more concerned for Florence than scared by her parentage – the examination began with Pomfrey casting some strange spells over Florence's body to test her blood parameters and also to see the baby inside her womb (like in a muggle ultrasound).

When Pomfrey cast: "Vide utero." a strange shadowy image appeared above Florence's midsection and Eileen gasped, teary-eyed, as she looked at her grandchild for the first time.

"I can't see anything," said Florence, lying on her back on the sofa, staring at the weird image floating above her body.

"Well, the babies are not big enough to have discernible limbs yet," Pomfrey calmly answered.

Eileen's breath hitched and Florence asked, surprised: "Wait. Babies? In plural? As in more than one baby?"

"Yep," Pomfrey smiled, "There are two little hearts here. Identical twins for what I can see. And everything looks perfect," she stopped the spell, the image disappearing, and looked at a stunned Florence, "You know you'll have to stop playing Quidditch, right?"

"Yes, I've reached that conclusion myself," said Florence, sitting up on the couch, the news she was expecting twins still messing with her mind.

"You are eight weeks pregnant," continued Pomfrey, "Considering you only have a little over three months at Hogwarts, I think it won't be difficult to hide your condition. But you'll have to tell someone at school about your pregnancy, so that if anything happens to you they'll know to call me immediately."

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now