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After they had declared their love for each other in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Severus couldn't wait to get Florence alone. But they still had a busy morning ahead of them with two periods of Potions following two of DADA.

And then Slughorn asked Severus to assist him with some concoctions during lunch time – something Florence found out her boyfriend charged the professor a hefty fee of twenty galleons an hour to do.

In the afternoon, they would have double periods of Alchemy and Charms, with a short fifteen-minute break between them.

So finding time to be together during that day was impossible; but once Charms class was over, Severus and Florence ran to their Common Room and, the moment the door closed behind them, he had her against the wall, their lips connected in a hot kiss, his tongue curling around hers, making her weak with lust.

She fisted her hands in his uniform and his hair, wrapping one leg around his waist as he trailed open-mouthed kisses down her neck.

"Fuck, Florence," he gasped, burying his nose in her cleavage, "I love your skin, your scent-" he ran his nose up from her breasts to her ear, where he whispered: "I want to have you under me, touch and pleasure you until my name is the only word you know."

She rubbed against him, whimpering when he bent his knees a little to press his hard dick between her legs.

"Please," she moaned low.

Her plea going straight to his cock. He grabbed her thigh, pulling her closer.

But the Common Room door was suddenly opened and several students walked in.

Severus let go of Florence's leg and took a step back, putting some distance between their bodies – however, the way they both panted, and looked hungrily at each other, was enough to let everyone know what they had been doing.

"There's no Astronomy lessons tonight," Severus said.

Florence smiled seductively, closing the gap between them, touching his chest, "Let's study some planets after dinner then."

He nodded and they kissed once more before each went to their respective dormitory to shower and change before dinner.

Severus got out of his dormitory before Florence had exited hers, so he sat on the sofa to wait for her.

"Severus," he heard his name being called.

"Eric," he greeted, getting up to speak to the older housemate.

Eric stopped close to him and whispered: "The Lord was very impressed with your Invigorating Draught and Veritaserum. They've both worked perfectly. The previously agreed value has already been transferred to your Gringotts account."

Severus supressed the urge to smile in pride and relief, "Tell the Lord I'm glad to be of assistance, anytime."

"I'll let you know what they'll be needing next and when."

Severus nodded and Eric Travers left the Common Room.

Florence left her dormitory and found Severus alone in their Common Room but for Eric Travers, a seventh-year, who was walking to the exit door.

She frowned, it was obvious the two of them had been talking in the minutes before she appeared – and she knew her boyfriend had gone missing with Travers more than a few times. Also, she recognised that surname: Eric's father was a loyal follower of her father's.

She pondered about mentioning anything about Travers' presence in the Common Room, but decided against it. She wanted to have a good night with her boyfriend, and arguing about wannabe Death Eaters would be counterproductive.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now