Needing Solace

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Draco followed his godfather through the castle as if he had been Imperiosed. If Snape walked into the Great Lake, he'd certainly follow without questioning and drown.

They had murdered Dumbledore.

He had helped his godfather kill the man.

His plan had worked!

And yet, Draco didn't feel victorious, he felt nauseated and disgusted with himself.

The loud sound of a desperate dog howling, and his aunt laughing, snapped Draco out of his daze.

Bellatrix had set Hagrid's Hut on fire – and by the sounds of it, Fang was locked inside.

"What the fuck?" Draco whispered, trying to understand how she could be that happy for roasting a living dog inside its own house.

"SNAPE!" he suddenly heard Harry Potter scream.

"Go on, Draco," Severus ordered, "Follow the others."

The blond boy nodded but didn't move, he didn't want to leave his godfather's sight, something was telling him he shouldn't disapparate without him.

"Crucio!" yelled Harry.

But Severus just defended himself with a flick of his wand.

"No Unforgivable Curses from you, Potter!" he shouted over the rushing of the flames, and Hagrid's shouts as he tried to get to his house and free his dog who still cried desperately from inside the burning building.

"Incarc-" Harry roared.

But Severus deflected the spell with an almost lazy movement of his arm, "Close your mind, you idiot! I can see your spell ten seconds before you cast it!"

"Fight back!" Harry screamed at him, "Fight back, you murderer! He trusted you! He told me to trust you! Stupe-"

"Blocked again and again and again!" shouted Severus, sneering as he deflected Harry's spell once more, he needed to make the stupid teen understand: "Until you learn to keep your mouth shut and your mind closed, Potter!"

"Fight back! You coward!"

Severus sneered, "Coward, you called me, Potter? Your godfather would never attack me unless it was two on one, what would you call him, I wonder?"

"Crucio!" cast Bellatrix out of nowhere.

And Harry fell onto the ground, screaming in agony.

"NO!" roared Severus, stopping the woman's curse himself.

"Have you forgotten our orders?" he growled at her, "Potter belongs to the Dark Lord – we are to leave him! Get the fuck out of here! Disapparate!"

Draco was still frozen in place, his eyes on Harry lying curled on the dark grass, trembling from the pain of the curse, sobs coming out of his throat.

And yet Draco watched the dark-haired boy push himself to his feet again and stagger blindly towards Severus, the man he certainly now hated as much as he hated Voldemort himself.

"Sectumse-" Harry began.

But Severus flicked his wand and the curse was repelled again; throwing Harry back onto the ground a couple of feet away from them, Draco could see Potter's face contorted, full of pain and rage as his godfather approached him.

"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?" Severus' voice was back to its soft and dangerous tone.

"Y-you?" Harry asked, completely shocked.

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