Potions Master

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August 1980

One week later

In the middle of the night, in a beautiful manor in Little Hangleton, a group of nine men stood inside a large room lit by a huge crystal chandelier.

There was a long table with chairs to the left, but no one dared to ask to sit down.

In front of a big empty fireplace was a tall elegant man, whom the other eight seemed to be waiting for; each man only walked forward when their name was called, then they'd kneel in front of the tall figure, talk to him with respect, rising only when ordered.

"Severus," the man by the fireplace called.

And Severus walked forward, approaching the Dark Lord, stopping in front of him and going down on one knee, keeping his head down until he was spoken to.

"Rise, Severus. I've thought about your plan, my faithful servant," Voldemort said, looking at the man in front of him, thinking as usual what a formidable wizard Severus Snape was; if only he were pure-blooded, he'd be perfect to father the Dark Lord's grandkids.

Severus felt really uncomfortable under the Lord's strange silent stare, but he waited quietly for the man to continue.

After nearly a minute, Voldemort spoke again: "I think it would be very useful to have someone infiltrated in Hogwarts – after all, a teacher is always a figure of influence in young minds. You can make sure that they grow up following the right beliefs," he paused, frowning, "However, I can't afford to send you there just to get killed. I admit that I prize your abilities too much to risk that happening, Severus. So have you thought about what you're going to tell Dumbledore? How do you plan on making him accept you in the school?"

"Yes. I've thought about it, my Lord. I'll tell him I feel guilty for all that I've done and witnessed... I'll tell him I wish to help the Order win the war because I feel I've done too much damage already..."

"Regret," Voldemort murmured, "Ha!" he suddenly shouted, "The old man will believe your every word! He's so stupid; once you tell him you feel guilty, he'll probably cry!" Voldemort smiled, "Go, Severus. Go now! You have my permission to become a teacher at Hogwarts."


September 1st, 1980


Florence was walking down the Marble Staircase towards the Great Hall with Headmaster Dumbledore when she recognised someone.

"Severus?" she whispered, her heart skipping a beat.

No, it can't be him.

"Oh, yes. He's my new Potions Master," said Dumbledore.

"He's what?" Florence exclaimed, but then they had reached the last step of the stairs and Severus was right in front of her.

"Florence," he smiled at her incredulous face, "Prof. Dumbledore mentioned you'd be here tonight."

"Since when is this a thing?" she asked, confused by his presence there, but at the same time looking at his face, trying to see if he was hurt again.

"I was hired just last week," Severus replied, then he took a step closer to her, whispering: "And I'm fine, Florence. You're a great healer," he raised a hand to her shoulder, caressing down her arm, until his hand brushed hers.

And she looked into his dark eyes, her heart as usual beating faster, making her quickly realise she had to step away from him or she'd kiss him, so she turned to Dumbledore, who watched their interaction with open interest.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now