Make things harder, why not?

432 18 94

Monday, November 30th 1981

Severus woke up at sunrise, happily surprised that he had slept twelve hours uninterrupted – something that hadn't happened in over a month.

He moved to get up from the armchair where he had slept, but sharp pain stopped him – his shirt had stuck to his wounds, making it painful to move.

So that's why I slept: blood loss.

He looked down his side, his black shirt was rigid with dry blood and his armchair had a large red stain.

The only reason he hadn't bled to death was the Wiggenweld potion he had taken which had caused his wound to close a little as he slept.

I need to get this shirt off. He thought with a grimace, forcing himself to stand up.

"Shit- fuck!" he growled as he walked to the bathroom.

After divestoing his trousers and pants, he quickly got under the hot shower spray with his shirt on and slowly removed it; he then washed the cuts and the rest of his body.

When he left the shower, he noticed the cuts were still bleeding so he bandaged them up before getting dressed.

As he put on his white undershirt, he was reminded of the Counter-Curse Potion he hadn't yet prepared, for his clothes were still making him itchy

Vowing to brew it before lunch, Severus walked to the Great Hall and sat at the high table, keeping his meanest scowl on, discouraging everyone from trying to have a conversation with him.

He had breakfast without as much as muttering a good morning to his colleagues.

And Florence didn't show up for breakfast that first day.


Florence had had breakfast with her kids and Eileen in her living room quarters.

Her godmother took the kids to the daycare centre at 7 o'clock and she decided it was time to go to the dungeons to start her month as Severus' assistant.


When she got to the potions lab, Severus hadn't returned from breakfast yet, so Florence let herself in and started to prepare what Pomfrey had asked for the Hospital Wing: Bruise-healing paste, Calming Draught and a Blood-Replenishing Potion.


After thirty minutes, Florence had three cauldrons self-stirring themselves and had to wait forty minutes to add the next ingredients and change the stirring pattern.

So she walked around the room, finding the door that led from the lab to his private quarters and walking in; the memories of the last time she had been there filling her mind – and the image of Severus lying on his bed with a concussion, so pale and immobile, made her shiver.

Florence glanced at the door that she knew led to his bedroom and felt her body responding to the proximity to his bed, her veela stirring in her mind, scenting his perfume but not seeing him anywhere – but Florence quickly leashed her.

Then she turned around to leave his quarters before he got there, but her eyes fell on the armchair – and on the large dark-red stain on it.

That's... blood! And a lot of it! She frowned, her heart starting to pound.

Could he be in his room? Bleeding to death all alone and-

But before she had reached the door to check if he was in there, she heard a noise by the lab door and turned to see him standing there, looking paler than usual, and angry.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now