A New Enemy

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Great Hall

9 a.m.

The four long tables that usually occupied the Great Hall had been removed and several individual desks had been put in their place.

Severus was already sitting at one of those desks, waiting for the History of Magic O.W.L.s to begin, when he saw Florence walk into the Great Hall; the instant relief he felt at the sight of her should have been a sign that he was already too involved, but he could only breathe and watch her as she decided on which desk to sit on.

She looked unharmed, albeit a little upset.

But when her green eyes met his dark ones, he noticed how she hesitated. So he raised a hand in what he hoped she'd interpret as a peace-offering greeting sign and she walked towards him.

"Hi, Severus," Florence said, sitting at a desk next to his.

"Everything alright with your family?" he asked, looking at her with concern, up-close she seemed sad rather than just upset.

But she was surprised by his question: "How do you know I was-?"

"Dumbledore," Severus explained.

And she nodded in understanding.

"Listen," Florence started, "About last night. It was not my place to tell you what to do with your life."

He looked at her with genuine appreciation, but he had to admit the truth: "Actually, I spent the night thinking about what you said yesterday. About actions and consequences, and no more simple detentions for misbehaving." He sighed heavily. "And I know you're right. But, I can't shake the feeling that you spoke from a place of knowledge."

"Yes," she quietly admitted, "In a way. But what you said yesterday is also true: I've never lacked for money, or food, or nice things."

"I'm sorry I said those things, Florence," he looked ashamed, "I shouldn't have been so rude and bitter-"

"Yeah, but you weren't wrong. However," she added, wanting to make him understand, "My family has a lot of other issues and let's just say the rod has hardly ever been spared when mistakes were made. Cruciatus Curse, poisonings... even murders have been known to happen," she finished in a whisper.

Severus frowned, "Are you from some sort of wizarding mob family?"

"Sort of. Yeah," she nodded, deciding to let him think that, "I just spoke with your best interest in mind last night, Sev."

She sounded sincere and the drop of a nickname had him smiling, "Sev? That's what you're calling me now?"

"Sorry," Florence blushed and smiled, "If you don't like it, I-"

"No, I like it," he shrugged, trying to sound dismissive while his heartrate sped up, "But is your father... you know? A Death Eater?" it was his turn to whisper.

"I don't know about terminology, but he's a follower of You-know-who, if that's what you're asking," that was the story she'd stick with.

"Has he ever hurt you?" he asked, concerned about her hesitancy in discussing her father any further.

"Well, he... yes, sometimes," She said, not lying; during her trainings she'd often get hurt – sometimes badly, but she would recover within a couple of days and a new lesson was learned.

"I know how that is, to be hurt by a person that was supposed to protect you," Severus felt comfortable to share his own family issues with her.

"Your mother... she hurt you?" Florence asked, surprised by that information for Sophie Delacour had had nothing but kind words about Eileen Prince.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora