The Lord's Daughter

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By the last week of August, 1997, Voldemort's control over the British Wizarding society was absolute and unwavering; with Severus in Hogwarts and Florence at the Ministry, he had only to worry about finding Harry Potter and ending the already weakened Order of the Phoenix.



Headmaster's office

Florence walked out of the fireplace one evening and was greeted by the cheerful voice of Albus Dumbledore's portrait, as usual:

"Good evening, my dear."

She looked at him and whispered: "Incendio," setting him on fire – as usual – on her way to Severus' private quarters.

Severus was leaving the bathroom with just a towel around his hips when Florence entered their bedroom.

"Hey, love," he greeted her, opening his arms to catch her as she walked straight to him, clearly unwell.

Florence buried her face on his chest, her arms around his waist.

"Did you set Albus on fire again?" Severus asked, holding her tightly, purposely avoiding asking her what was wrong.

"Yes. Right as I walked by him," Florence said, rubbing her nose on his naked chest.

Severus waited for her to continue, knowing that the stress of being Minister during her father's Regime was deeply affecting her; some days her mood swings would catch him unaware, and he'd end up pissing her off and she'd go sleep at home – which only made both of them miserable.

So he waited.

"Today," Florence finally spoke, with a heavy sigh, "I signed a decree that turns Hogwarts attendance mandatory," her voice was soft and tired, "Soon you'll receive instructions on how to satisfactory verify the students' blood-status upon arrival on the first of September. And, of course, all those identified as Muggleborn must be expelled if already enrolled, or have their enrollment denied, in case of first years."

"Lovely," he whispered sarcastically, slowly pulling her chin up for a kiss.

"And..." she continued after another sigh, "I've just declared Harry Potter the Undesirable No.1."

Severus chuckled, "On what charges?"

"He's wanted for questioning about his involvement on Dumbledore's death, with a ten-thousand-galleon reward on his head. And Her Pinkness has made an anti-Muggle pamphlet this afternoon so sadistic that even Yaxley was shocked when he read it; he called them tyrannous," she looked at him with troubled eyes, "Do you get what I'm saying, Severus? Yaxley disapproves of the level of bigotry she is enforcing!"

He could easily understand her distress, they were quickly beginning to realise that keeping murders and violence to a minimum wasn't going to be as easy as they'd thought.

Severus lowered his hands down her body, feeling how tense she was, "Let's get you under a hot shower, love. And I'll work on your back, help you relax."

Florence just nodded and let him lead her to the bathroom – not stupid to refuse a massage from her husband's very capable hands.


Later, in the Great Hall

When the Snape couple walked into the Hall, they noticed that most teachers had already arrived to prepare their classes for the beginning of the term in a couple of days.

McGonagall was the only one from the staff that still smiled at Florence; the professor's usually stern eyes looked at her with pity and concern. On the other hand, the Head of Gryffindor House barely looked at Severus – which worked perfectly for him, for if McGonagall didn't dare speak to him, then others wouldn't even think of trying.

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