Bonus Scenes

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Note: Once again I did some French research; I'm trying my best here, so if I'm butchering your mother Language, I apologise and would like to ask if you could find it in your heart to help me fix it. 


July 1998

Snapes' family home

Florence walked out of the fireplace and removed her high heels, closing her eyes and sighing, happy to be home.

It had been two months since the end of the war and she still felt giddy every time she walked into the living room of her beloved home and saw all the happy pictures on the walls, the full toy box on the corner, and heard the sounds of teenagers talking and kids playing.

No matter how stressful it was being to reorganise the Ministry and rebuild Hogwarts, just the thought that she'd be getting home to her family – the whole family and more! – was enough to have her smiling.

Florence removed her coat and inhaled deeply, savouring the smells of home – which told her they'd be having cinnamon biscuits that day –, and listening to the sounds around the house; she could tell that Chris and Sophie were in the pool, and Eileen was with them, Florence peeked out of the backyard door and saw the twin-babies' floating crib near Eileen's chair in the shade of the patio. And she could hear the voices of Harry, Draco and Hermione coming from the library – they seemed to be having some serious discussion.

She stopped by the library door, seeing Draco and Hermione both staring at Harry with a frown, and she took a moment to think about that unexpected trio; they had developed a surprisingly natural friendship in the past two months since they had started living there, under the same roof.

"Hey, guys," Florence entered the room, "What are you three talking about that has Mione angry?"

"We just got our Hogwarts letters," said Hermione.

"Oh! Yes," Florence smiled, "We're inviting all seventh-year drop-outs back to finish their studies. You'll all have private accommodations inside your common rooms. It's pretty neat."

"That sounds great, Mrs Snape," said Harry, "But I'm not going back."

"Oh. I see," Florence said, suddenly understanding why Draco and Hermione had been frowning at him before, "But you are, Harry," she added.

And it was Harry's turn to frown, "No, I'm not," he insisted, "The Auror's office has invited me to be part of their next training course and–"

" And ," Florence continued for him, "You'll reply to them saying you'll be most honoured to join them next year – after you've sat your N.E.W.T.s," her lips held a smile, but her eyes sparkled dangerously – reminding both Harry and Draco of who she was the daughter of.

"Also," Florence went on, "You can be sure Tonks will be getting an earful from me for even thinking of inviting you!" she took the letter from his hand, "You are going to return to Hogwarts and finish your studies, like your mother would've wanted you to. In fact," she moved one hand over his Hogwarts letter and it vanished, "Consider yourself already enrolled."

But Harry, being the hot-headed teenager he was, growled: "I'm old enough to make my own decisions!"

But Florence didn't seem fazed by his anger, her voice soft as she replied: "Age doesn't mean maturity, Harry."

"One would think fighting a sodding evil wizard would make one mature enough!" Harry shouted, "You're just like the others! Trying to control my every step! I won't-" he stopped speaking for Florence had taken a step towards him and touched a hand to his face and the other to his shoulder, smiling at him.

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