Naughty Liz

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July 1995

Since her father's focus was still on capturing unfaithful death eaters, Florence saw no problem in allowing Elizabeth to spend an afternoon with Draco in Diagon Alley.

The young couple would meet in the Leaky Cauldron, as usual, have tea at Madam Asterope's and buy some books at the Flourish and Blotts.


Diagon Alley

The moment Draco Malfoy walked into the Flourish and Blotts, all eyes turned to him – more specifically to the beautiful girl beside him. He felt a little self-conscious by all the attention, Elizabeth, though, seemed completely oblivious to the number of heads she turned whenever she walked into a place.

"I'm used to it, Draco," she shrugged one day after he'd glared at a considerable number of men – older men – who stared at his almost-thirteen-year-old girlfriend.

That summer day, Liz wore a dark green shirtwaist dress with a delicate flower pattern on the skirt, and the interlaced double Gs he had already seen in many of her dresses.

After their last encounter, Liz had briefly schooled him on designer clothes when he asked her what the Gs stood for, and since then he was able to recognise many of the brands she wore – and he could even name her favourite ones.

No one could accuse Draco Malfoy of not knowing anything about muggles; he knew that the L and the V meant Louis Vuitton, and the double Gs were for Gucci. However, he seemed to always forget the name of the red-bottom shoes Liz occasionally wore, he only remembered it was from some guy named Christian.

"What can I do for you today, Mr Malfoy?" asked Peter Flourish, one of the owners of the bookshop.

"I need Hogwarts' fifth-year books, Mr Flourish," he replied before turning to Liz, "Do you need anything, love?"

"I already have my books, Draco," she turned to the clerk, "But I saw an Advanced Spells book in the window that I'd like to purchase, Mr Flourish."

"Of course, Miss," he flicked his wand and a copy of the book she requested came flying towards them, "Would you like your books to be delivered at the Manor, Mr Malfoy?"

"Of course. I certainly won't be carrying them myself," he replied dryly, not liking the way the man was looking at his girlfriend.

"I'll take my book with me, sir," said Elizabeth.

The man looked from the girl to Draco, finally noticing he had a hand on her back, "Your girlfriend, Mr Malfoy?"

The blond teen smiled and kissed her hand, "Yes. All mine."

"Lucky man, you are."

"He certainly is," Elizabeth agreed, smiling at Draco, "And so am I."

Flourish seemed surprised by the girl's reply.

"Hogwarts too, Miss?"

"No, sir, Beauxbatons," she replied.

Then he seemed really impressed. But before he could say anything, they heard:

"There you are, Draco!"

"Shit," the boy whispered, as he recognised the man's voice, "My father," he explained to her, looking around nervously but finding nowhere to hide Liz.

Elizabeth frowned at her boyfriend's sudden fear and turned to look at the man who instilled such feelings on him.

A tall blond man was walking towards them with a silver and black walking cane, his light grey eyes very similar to Draco's but they were cold and unfriendly while her boyfriend's were kind and filled with adorable mischief.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin