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April 1982

6th year Slytherin and Gryffindor Potions class

Severus was carefully watching as the students failed to brew even a passable Draught of Living Dead.

"Use your heads, idiots! If you can't cut it, press it down!" he growled in frustration.

"B-but the book says to cut it, sir," a student said, a hint of fear in his voice.

"If the book said to chop your own finger off to get a drop of blood, you would blindly do it, Mr Lyns?"

"N-no, sir. Sorry, sir."

"Ten points from Gryffindor," Severus turned and walked to the back of the room, checking on the students' work.

Suddenly they all stopped working and one of them pointed towards the front of the room: "Prof. Snape? There's a house-elf by your desk, sir."

Severus turned around and frowned as he saw Tiffany there, smiling and waving at the students. He hadn't spent the previous night at home, he had had to stay in the castle to grade some essays.

But as he walked towards Tiffany, worrying about what could've happened to his wife to make the elf go to him, the room exploded in questions and comments:

"Is she yours, sir?" asked a Slytherin boy.

"She's so cute!" exclaimed a Gryffindor girl.

"I've never seen a house-elf in such a clean and pretty dress!" said the girl's friend.

"That has to be a very well-treated house-elf!" said a Slytherin girl.

"You take good care of her, professor," said a Gryffindor boy, surprised.

"Servants shouldn't be treated that well," added a Slytherin boy reproachfully.

"Silence!" Severus shouted and everyone stopped, "Class dismissed."

"What about our potions, sir?"

"None of you was even close to properly brewing it, Mr Greengrass. Your concoctions might kill someone, yes – through poisoning. You'll all write a roll of parchment about it and try it again next week."

The students groaned and walked out of the room.

Severus locked the door once the last student had left and turned to the elf: "What happened, Tiffany?"

"Mistress Flor is not well, breaking things and burning the furniture."

"I'm going home," he said, quickly going to his quarters and entering his fireplace.


Severus walked out of the fireplace and into a very unexpected scene: the always-organised and clean living room of their house was half-destroyed.

There were burnt marks on an armchair and a steaming glass of something dark-orange on the coffee table.

He picked it up and smelled it, "Orange juice? Hot orange juice?" he whispered, confused.

Then he heard footsteps on the stairs and looked up.

"You! What are you doing home?" shouted a very angry Florence as she walked downstairs.

"Tiffany called me."

"So that's the way to make you come home?" Florence shouted, "I have to send my house elf after you?" she stopped in front of him.

"Flor, I occasionally stay one night a week in the castle to plan my classes and grade papers. You know that, love," he spoke softly.

"Fuck the classes! I need you here! With me!" she pushed his chest and he held her hands, "Let go of me! You wanted a baby! You made a baby! Now deal with it!"

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now