Work & Play

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 Third week of January 1996

James recovered well enough to go back to Durmstrang only ten days later than he should; Nicholas had promised Florence that he'd take his brother home in case he got any strange symptoms.



Florence was alone in the infirmary when a very nervous Hermione Granger ran into the room, a piece of parchment in her hand and tears staining her face.

"Hermione?" Florence worried, "What happened, dear?"

"He nearly died?" the girl whispered, "Is this true?" she shook the letter.

Florence quickly realised what she was talking about and cast a silencing spell in the infirmary, locking the door.

"Yes, Hermione. James was poisoned by a rare form of Noxious Poison. Luckily, he had a bezoar on him and his mother is a very well-read healer," she winked, trying to make her smile.

But her attempt of humour didn't work.

Hermione kept looking at her with a concerned expression, her brows furrowing as she began to think.

"Noxious Poison," the Gryffindor repeated, "A rare form you said."

"Hermione, stop!" Florence said, touching her shoulders, aware that the girl's brilliant mind would reach the right conclusion just as easily as she had, "Listen to me. I'm glad to see that my son has this level of devotion from you, but his father will handle this," she looked into her eyes, "Even if you find out the origins of that poison: do not do anything – that's an order. And it's not a good idea to piss off your future mother-in-law," Florence glared at her and Hermione blushed.

"Alright. I'll not... do anything. But... is he truly fine?" she sounded anguished.

Florence looked at her sternly, "Do you think I'd send my son to school if he wasn't fully recovered?"

Hermione shook her head.

"Also," continued Florence, "Nicholas is keeping an eye on his brother. And Nick's the responsible twin."

"Right," the girl nodded.

Florence looked at her for a moment, pondering if she should warn her further about James or not. It was clear Hermione had deep feelings for him already, so she decided to do so:

"Hermione, I mentioned once to you that James is a lot. Did he tell you on that letter how the poisoning happened?"

Hermione shook her head.

"Well," Florence continued, "It happened because he was at a party, and carelessly accepted a drink from a young woman he didn't know, and who took him to a motel room."

"We're not in a relationship, Madam Delacour," Hermione quickly replied, trying to sound nonchalant, but the pain in her eyes betrayed her.

"And yet you barged in here demanding to know if he was fine," Florence looked at her knowingly, "I like you, Hermione. And I know my son. He's an amazing young man; he's brilliant, he's charming – it's easy to see why you would fall for him. But James is just like any other seventeen-year-old boy: he sometimes thinks with his dick," she paused, watching Hermione blush at her words, "I don't want to discourage you, dear, especially because I know my son has never pursued a girl for more than a few weeks and he's been talking about you for over a year now. Just... be careful."

The girl nodded, understanding, "I'm sorry for how I walked in here, Ma'am, but... I got his letter this morning and just... just imagining he could've died, the thought of never seeing him again, it filled me with so much pain..." she was breathing hard from the anguish-inducing thought.

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