Hermione knows

352 10 4

September 1994

Hogwarts Dungeons

Welcoming Feast Night

Florence walked into her husband's private quarters after delivering some potions to Pomfrey.

"Severus?" she called him, going towards the bedroom, looking for him, "Are you ready? Beauxbatons has already arrived," she announced, finding him fastening the long line of buttons of his waistcoat, "I've just been hugged nearly to death by Madam Maxine. She's a sweetheart, says she has no hard feelings about me blowing up the school's tea court," she chuckled, but he didn't laugh with her, he looked annoyed, "What is it, Sev?"

"Aren't you going to change?" he looked at her dress.

"I'm not going to change," she kissed his lips. "I love this dress. It's comfortable, and there's absolutely nothing showing."

"You look sexy in it."

"I know, right?" she smiled, turning to the mirror to admire her own reflection; she was wearing a long burgundy velvet dress, the sleeves were long and had beautiful embroidered angled endings, each pointy tip resting on the top of her hand, its neckline was high and there was no skin showing – however, the dress hugged her curves perfectly.

Her four-month-pregnant belly was hidden by a spell, so her waistline seemed to be its regular size, but that had her breasts (enlarged by the pregnancy) looking bigger and her hips ampler – her natural hourglass figure was improved by the hiding of her pregnancy and that dress didn't hide any of it.

"I look and feel very sexy in it," she winked at him.

"Igor will-"

"Stop right there!" Florence cut him off, turning to face him, "Igor looked at me when I was fifteen dressed in a Durmstrang uniform! It doesn't matter how I dress, Severus, he'll look at me anyway if he wants too," she kissed his lips, but he didn't kiss her back. So she nipped on his bottom lip, but he still didn't kiss her. Then she ran her tongue over his lips and he couldn't take that teasing anymore and plunged his tongue into her mouth, kissing her passionately, making her moan and rub against him.

"Perhaps it would make you feel better if I went to the Great Hall with a reminder of who a belong to?" she caressed his dick through his black trousers.

Severus groaned affirmatively and kissed her again, feeling her fingers working on getting his zip open.

She pulled his dick out and pushed him onto the bed, where he fell on his arse and pointed at the floor between his legs.


She looked at him: all dressed but for his thick cock jutting out of his black trousers. His long black hair still damp from the shower; he looked sexy and she salivated at the thought of dropping to her knees and servicing him, but she wasn't actually feeling like playing nice.

"So you want me?" she asked in feigned innocence

"Kneel, wife," he ordered again.

"Hmm I don't think so," she smiled wickedly, "If you want me, you'll have to catch me," and she ran out of the bedroom, going to the living room.

And Severus was right behind her, his dick back inside his pants.

"You shouldn't be running in heels, Florence!" he growled as they circled the dining table.

"So fucking is ok, but running is not?" she decided to provoke him further: "I'll make sure to remember to tell Igor that."

Severus growled and jumped over the table, grabbing her in no time and making her lean on the table, careful not to press on her belly.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now