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December 1979

Dumbledore had gone mad – not that he couldn't be considered crazy before that day, but he'd completely lost all of his marbles. Voldemort and his followers were attacking all over Britain, not even sparing children, no matter how young. And yet the Headmaster had decided Hogwarts should host a Christmas Party for students, ex-students and guests!

Luckily McGonagall was the one in charge of that madness and she put down some rules – the main one being that ex-students and guests could only show up if invited by a teacher, and all teachers had to have McGonagall's approval before issuing any invitations.

Florence offered to help with security, as did a few other members of the Order of the Phoenix, and for that reason, she spent the afternoon of the party in the castle helping McGonagall with the decorations and organising the security rounds.

In the evening, Florence went home to stay with her kids for a while, before she had to go back to Hogwarts to help during the party.


Delacour Manor

Since the twins had begun to walk, keeping them in place was an impossible task.

James and Nicholas were fourteen months old, walked in a cute toddler-way everywhere and could already say a few words, learning new ones every day.

After getting ready to return to the castle for the party, Florence stopped by her sons' room to give them goodnight kisses before going out.

Eileen was putting them to bed – or, at least, trying to.

"Looking beautiful in those jeans, Flor," complimented Eileen.

"No," said Nicholas, sitting on the bed with his grandmother, "Mummy pretty in dresses!" his little nose wrinkled in cute disapproval.

Florence smiled, "I prefer dresses too, love, but mummy is going to help Dumbledore, and for that pants are better," she looked at the corner of the room, where her other son still played on the floor, dressed in dinosaurpyjamas, "James, come to bed, love. Storytime."

"No," the baby boy replied.

"C'mon, Jamie," continued Florence, "Nick is waiting for you. Grandma will read you two a story!"


"Come, Jamie!" called Nicholas, also dressed in dinosaur pyjamas, sitting on his grandma's lap, slapping a book, chanting: "Stowy! Stowy!"

"James. Bed. Now!" ordered Florence.

"No, mummy!"

Eileen had to stifle a laugh, and Florence looked at her disapprovingly.

"I can't help it!" said Eileen, "He's just so cute!"

Florence rolled her eyes and picked up her wilful son from the floor.

"Nooooo!" James complained, "Play!"

She sat on the bed, with him on her lap, "No more play!" she said, assertively, "Story and sleep. Now!"

The little boy's dark eyes filled with tears and his bottom lip trembled as he hugged her neck.

"Ok. Mummy," he whispered.

Florence kissed his forehead and put him on Eileen's lap.

Eileen helped James get comfortable under the covers beside his brother.

They sure are cute. Florence thought with a smile, the memory of the last time she'd seen their father coming to mind.

She leaned over the bed to kiss Nick goodnight when the doorbell rang.

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