Gloom & Distrust

309 7 4

 August 1996

A week before classes began

Snapes' family home

Florence stood in the middle of her living room, staring at the half-empty walls – if heartbreak had a sound, she'd be hearing it right then – there were no more signs of Elizabeth, Chris or Sophie anywhere in the house; no pictures of them; no toys in a basket in the corner of the living room. She knew if she went upstairs and opened the doors to their rooms, they'd all be empty.

Anyone who walked into that house would never guess the twins weren't Severus and Florence's only children.

A second sniffing sound drew Florence's attention, and she turned to see Tiffany by the kitchen entrance, looking as heartbroken as her Mistress, tears falling from her green eyes.

"They're gone, Tiff," Florence whispered.

The elf shook her head, "Tiffany doesn't like it, Mistress. Tiffany understands, but... doesn't like it. No."

Florence nodded slowly and looked at the walls again, bringing her hands to her face and begining to sob.

Severus stood by the sofa, looking at Florence in silence, his heart just as broken as hers and guilt eating him up inside.

He took a moment to think about what their lives would be like from then on: there would be no more tantrums or doors-slamming every time Elizabeth left her room.

No more Christopher reading in the library or swimming in the pool. Severus wouldn't hear his many important questions about the interesting things he'd learned daily in the books.

And there would be no more of Sophie's sweet coos, cute giggles and delighted squeals anymore – who knew for how long.

No more family meals with all five kids around the long dining table talking at the same time, discussing school, spells, movies, boyfriends and girlfriends.

Severus closed his eyes for a second, missing them already.

Then he walked to Florence and wrapped his arms around her shaking frame, feeling her arms closing around his waist as she cried against his chest.

"They're gone, Sev," she whispered, "Completely gone from our lives."

"They're safe, love," he reassured her, "They're hidden and safe."

She shook her head, unwrapping her arms from his waist, looking angry, "We had to erase them from their own home! From our family home!" she glanced around the room, "We had laughter, happiness and baby's giggles. Now... nothing. Only silence."

Severus sighed, feeling his chest as heavy as hers, "We'll be able to focus on winning the war, love, knowing they're safe," he tried to reassure her, "We'll see them every other week; they're not gone forever," he touched her cheek.

"I know that!" she angrily replied, swatting his hand away, "But right now I don't fucking care about the war! I miss them! I want my babies with me!"

Severus had known she wouldn't react well to seeing the pictures gone, so he was ready to face her explosion.

"It's just temporary, Florence."

"Ha! Temporary!" she scoffed, "Keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll believe it! Because I don't! We have no idea how long we'll be away from them!"

"Do you want to tell your father about Liz?" Severus asked, dropping the clearly ineffective reassuring tone, being harsh instead.

"Of course not! And you know it!"

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