5th Year Ball

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Second Day

That day they had Charms O.W.L.s in the early morning, then Transfiguration at ten-thirty.

In the afternoon, they had Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy.

Finally, in the evening, they'd have their last exam: Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Florence was glad her talk with her father had been in the morning of the day before, for she didn't think she'd be able to focus had she had that talk that day.

"Why do they have to schedule so many exams in one day?" she asked Severus as they sat to rest for a moment under a tree by the lake, enjoying the pleasant breeze in that uncomfortably hot day.

He chuckled softly, "I thought I heard you say nothing taught here was hard," he kept his eyes closed, his back resting against a tree.

"And I rest my case. But it's still a stressful schedule," She sat beside him but decided to get more comfortable, so she lay down on the grass, laying her head on Severus' lap.

He opened his eyes in surprise and looked at her, Florence had closed her eyes so he gave himself permission to watch her face; her cheeks were pink from the heat of the day, her lips slightly parted, her long hair sprawled over his thighs.

Fucking minx.

He should tell her to get up, but he didn't really want her to do that. He touched a hand to her hair instead; the long brown waves had some lighter caramel-coloured strands and they were so soft and smelled sweet, something vanilla-y.

Florence hummed, letting him know she was enjoying his touches, and he gulped, feeling some tension completely unrelated to the O.W.L.s take over his body.

They enjoyed half an hour like that, in shared silence, his hands in her hair; until time came to go to the Care of Magical Creatures exams.


In the evening

Once they were done with both practical and written parts of Defence Against the Dark Arts exam, all students were knackered. Two days full of tests had destroyed even the best amongst them.

Florence took a shower and dropped onto her bed before nine that night, and all the other three beds around her already had girls fast asleep.


Next morning

Severus woke up after nine, something he hadn't done in a long time, and for the first time that year, he didn't feel the urge to get up and do something; he didn't want to read about ingredients, to learn a new spell or master a new Potion.

He had finished his O.W.L.s, with Outstanding on all subjects (he was certain of that), and he was going to the Ball later that day with the most beautiful and amazing witch in all of Hogwarts.

It had been a long time since he'd felt that good.

He wasn't even worried anymore about his heart getting involved, it was halfway there already.

He crossed his arms behind his head and stared at the window overlooking the depths of the Great Lake, deciding to simply enjoy his good fortune – he felt like he deserved it.


It was ten-thirty a.m. when Florence finally left the girls' dormitory and sat in a comfortable armchair in the Common Room to read a letter she'd received from her godmother.

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