Slash & Murder

334 12 4

 First week of January, 1996

Snapes' family home

Florence walked downstairs with baby Sophie in her arms, calling her older kids to get down for breakfast. But as she reached the living room, she found a very worried Severus sitting on his usual armchair, reading the newspaper as he did every morning.

"What happened, Sev?" she asked, before kissing him, "You look troubled, love," she sat on the sofa, putting Sophie on the rug near her toy box.

Severus sighed, lowering the paper, before speaking: "Dolohov, Yaxley, Travers, Nott, Mulciber, Rookwood, Avery, Rodolphus, Rebastan and Bellatrix Lestrange have all escaped Azkaban."

Florence looked at him in shock, "What?" her voice barely a whisper, "How?"

"They used muggle bombs, believe it or not," Severus looked down to see Sophie pulling on his trousers, wanting her 'dada' to pick her up, "Plus," he continued, after his baby-daughter was on his lap, "their escape was only possible for the same reason two dementors attacked Harry last year: the Ministry no longer controls the Azkaban guards, someone else does."

"That someone being my father," Florence said, nodding, "Fuck. Bella's on the loose again. We should've killed her when we had the chance."

"Who should you have killed, mum?" asked James, walking downstairs.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," answered Florence.

"Right," James smiled, looking at his mother, not sure if she was joking or not.

Nicholas looked at his parents, "You two seem worried, dad. What happened?"

"Ten death eaters have escaped from Azkaban," said Severus, playing with Sophie.

Both twins fell silent, but suddenly James laughed:

"Good one, dad!" he looked at Nicholas, but his brother didn't seem amused.

"I don't think dad's joking, James."

"What?" James asked, sitting down beside his mother, "For real?"

"Yes," said Florence, "The Ministry no longer controls the dementors," she shook her head, getting angry: "The students at Hogwarts should be learning how to cast a Patronus Charm! Instead they're copying children's textbooks in Umbridge's class!"

"Let's hope Harry teaches the Patronus during the Dumbledore's Army meetings," said Nicholas.

Florence and Severus looked at him in surprise and confusion.

"How do you know about that?" she asked.

"Fred's part of the Army. He tells me all about it," Nick explained.

That gave Florence an idea: "So you could send him a letter mentioning they should start learning how to cast a Patronus, since the dementors are going rogue."

And her words gave Nicholas another idea: "Better yet, mum: I'll send him a Patronus message inviting him for dinner at a nice restaurant, and then I'll tell him about them needing to learn that Charm," he quickly got up, going back upstairs to his bedroom.

James looked at his brother running upstairs and shook his head, "You have no idea the kind of things I know about those two."

Severus looked at him, frowning: "Why don't you use occlumency to close your bond for a few moments? It works for your mother and me."

"I do that, dad, but... apparently, I have the worst timing ever and tend to walk in on them a lot," James grimaced.

Florence laughed, "So it's not just with us? You actually have the gift of being a cockblocker?"

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now