Being a dad

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Note: Are you ready for some sweet family time? That's what the next chapters are all about.

Just sit back and enjoy, all is well – until the war starts again in 1991.


At noon, that same Friday

Severus and Florence were having lunch in her private quarters and discussing how they were going to deal with gossip and rumours about them to guarantee discretion.

"You do know that it'll be very hard to hide our relationship, Flor," he said, "The wizarding world is a very small place filled with a huge number of gossip lovers."

She nodded, "Yes. I know, but we at least should deny it if anyone asks. For my father will return one day and-"

"I'll talk to him when that happens," Severus interrupted her, before sipping his glass of wine.

"What?" she frowned, "No, you're not!"

"It's not your decision to make," he added, sounding decisive.

Florence laughed sarcastically, "So this is how you think our relationship is going to go? You say something and I just say 'yes, sir'? Well, you are in for a big surprise, Severus! You're not making decisions that affect our whole family on your own."

He opened his mouth but she didn't give him time to speak, she went on, furious: "If that's what you want, I still have time to obliviate you and we return to what we were," just saying those words hurt her enough - if she had to actually do it, it would break her, "I'm not marrying you just to become a widow in a year!" she whispered angrily.

He stared at her, her words slowly entering his brain and making him realise that he was a father now, they were a family – his decisions didn't affect only him anymore.

"You're right, love," he nodded, picking up her hand from the table and kissing it, "I'm sorry. I guess I'll have to get used to... married life."

His words made Florence smile, "Married life. How crazy is it that we've finally reached this point?"

"It is nearly unbelievable," he chuckled, "I'm still afraid I'll wake up bleeding in the dungeons after the werewolf attack and all if this was nothing but a hallucination."

"It was not, Sev," she grazed her thumb over his hand, "You're not bleeding in the dungeons; I'd sense it and find you."

"Flor," he asked, with a suddenly serious expression: "I know you find it very easy to create your own spells, and that you can hold your own in a duel; has the Dark Lord trained you?"

"Yes," she looked down at her food, hesitating on saying anything else, letting him know it wasn't a good memory.

"What did he do to you, love?" he asked, entwining his fingers on hers.

"Well... Cruciatus and Imperio don't affect me. Not anymore."

Severus looked at her in astonishment, "He tortured you?"

"Well, yes," Florence didn't sugarcoat her training, "He first explained to me how to resist the curses, and then he cast them until I successfully did it. It took months... I was only ten," she paused, eating a little of her lunch.

Then she continued: "He used to say he was doing that because he didn't want to see anyone torturing or controlling his daughter," she stopped, looking at Severus's hands entwined with hers, and smiled, "Nagini's venom doesn't kill me either. Father used to inject me a tiny bit of her venom every day until the day he ordered her to bite me. She hesitated, but ended up doing it and... as you can obviously conclude, I didn't die. It hurt like hell though, but a few drops of Dittany were all it took to stop the bleeding and I didn't suffer from the corrosive effects of her venom."

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