Dementors and Teenagers

292 12 2

 August 1995


It was one early Tuesday evening and Florence was finishing the inventory of the hospital wing potions when Dumbledore walked into the infirmary looking worried.

"Florence, I need you to go to Little Whinging."

"Why?" she frowned at him, "What happened?"

"Dementors attacked Harry and his cousin minutes ago."

"What?" she shouted at him, "And no one was protecting him?"

"I have Mrs Figg-"

"Figg?" Florence was outraged, her wand in hand, ready to apparate.

"No one can apparate inside the grounds, Florence," he kindly reminded her.

She smirked and walked very close to him.

"You seem to forget, Headmaster, that I carry the blood of one of the founders," and she disapparated, leaving behind a gobsmacked Dumbledore.


Florence showed up in Little Whinging just in time to see Petunia and her husband putting their heavy, useless, son in the car.

She waited until they were gone to go into the house's backyard, where she knew Harry's bedroom window was.

The light in his room was turned on and he walked in, looking angry.

From afar he could easily pass as his father. She thought with a smile, before an unexpected presence had her frowning.

"Homenum revelio," she quickly cast, the spell letting her know only Harry was inside the house.

But if that was the case, how could she sense her father's energy in there as well?

However, before she could dwell on that for long, five barely noticeable sounds of apparition caught her attention and she saw members of the Order of the Phoenix enter the house.

Once they had taken Harry with them, she apparated back to Hogwarts.


Florence apparated right inside Dumbledore's office, finding Severus in there with him.

"Everything alright, dear?" asked the headmaster.

"Harry's safe, but-" she looked from him to her husband, "I could feel my father's presence in Little Whinging."

"Your father cannot get into the Dursleys' house, Florence," Dumbledore frowned, "That's not possible."

"I know it's not possible!" she exclaimed exasperatedly, "And I performed a revelation spell that confirmed no one other than Harry was in the house. But still: I felt his presence."

The headmaster's frown got deeper, he looked at her very concerned, "Are you sure you sensed your father?"

"Absolutely," she nodded.

"So there is a connection," Dumbledore whispered, "Just like I feared," then he looked at the couple in front of him, declaring: "Harry will have to be taught Occlumency."

"You think my father is in his head," she affirmed, understanding, "I can do it, I can teach him how to-"

"No," Dumbledore shook his head, "That's not a good idea. If your father can access Harry's mind, your presence might call him forward out of pure curiosity," he looked at the other man in the room, "You'll have to do it, Severus. Give some of your duties to Florence and plan to begin teaching him as soon as possible; by Christmas, those lessons must've had begun."

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