The Search

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Severus quietly opened the door to his bedroom again and summoned a shirt, putting it on as fast as possible, his mind going through all possible scenarios of what Kingsley would do to Sophie - torture her, sell her, abuse her, kill her.

He looked at his mother again and forced himself to focus on the present.

"Do you want me to call Poppy, mum?"

"No, dear," Eileen shook her head, sniffling, "No need for that. I've had worse, as you very well know."

He nodded, "And Chris?"

"I'm here, dad," he heard the soft voice of his youngest son, "I'm sorry I didn't save Sophie-"

Severus' heart broke for his sweet boy. He walked to him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"No, Chris. It's not your fault. You were very brave, son," he kissed the boy's forehead, "Are you hurt?"

"No, dad, I'm fine."

Severus breathed and looked at his mother again, "I'll ask Melody to bring you two some breakfast. You should rest."

Eileen nodded and walked back into the bedroom with Christopher, while Severus turned and ran down the corridor to Granger's room – where he knew James was.

He quickly undid all the advanced wards his son had put on the door and barged into the room.

"James!" he bellowed, "Get up! Now!"

"What the fuck, DAD?" James sat up, throwing the covers over Hermione's naked body.

"Get up!" Severus ordered, "Sophie was kidnapped!"

It took three seconds for James still-awakening brain to assimilate what he had said.

"What? WHAT?" he shouted, getting up fast and summoning his clothes, "How?"

"Shacklebolt," Severus replied, looking at the bed and at the covered witch who stared at him with concerned amber eyes, "Get dressed, Granger. We might need your brain downstairs," then he looked at James again, "Warn your brother I'm going there. I don't want to scare Fred," and he left the room.

James nodded, already dressed.

Nicholas! He sent his twin with all the mental strength he had.

What the hell, James? Nicholas replied angrily. You just scared the shit out of me! Grandfather better be in the living room to justify you giving me a heart attack!

Dad's going there to wake you up. Sophie was kidnapped!

What? How? He paused before adding: Dad's here. I heard him knocking.

Nice. You get knocks. James sounded annoyed. I got him barging into the room.

You didn't ward the door? Wait. Nevermind. He just passed through my wards here as well.

The man is able to duel against mum, Nick. Our wards are nothing for him.

Who took Sophie, James?

James growled: The auror Remus didn't let us kill.


Severus reached the living room to find a few people already in there looking angry and confused. Every one fell silent when they saw the three Snapes and Hermione walk in.

"How did he escape?" Severus asked with restrained fury his voice.

Remus took a step forward, "I'm afraid I underestimated him, Severus. He spent the night working on breaking the wards I had cast on his door, it certainly took him all night to do that without a wand but... he managed to escape this morning."

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