Four Champions and The First Task

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November 1994

Hogwarts Dungeons

Florence was opening the door to leave her husband's private quarters and go to the Hospital Wing, after having just woken up from her after-lunch nap, when she heard Hermione shouting in the next corridor, near the door of the potions classroom:


And then there was Draco's voice:

"Go on, then, Potter," he said quietly, "Moody's not here to look after you now – do it, if you've got the guts."

Florence dashed towards the voices as quickly as she possibly could with her hidden six-month-pregnant belly, but before she got close, spells were cast:

"Furunculus!" Harry yelled.

"Densaugeo!" screamed Draco.

And she reached the corridor just in time to see the jets of lights shoot from both their wands, hit each other mid-air, and ricochet off at angles – Harry's spell ended up hitting Goyle in the face, and Draco's got Hermione.

Goyle bellowed and put his hands to his nose, where great ugly boils were springing up. While Hermione, whimpering in panic, was clutching her mouth.

"Hermione!" Ron ran to her to see what was hurting her.

Florence saw Ron drag Hermione's hand away from her face and winced – it wasn't a pretty sight: Hermione's front teeth were now growing at an alarming rate; the girl was crying and looking terrified.

Florence walked to her and pulled her close.

"Don't worry, dear. Let's go to the hospital wing, I will fix it for you in a heartbeat," she looked at the Slytherins, "As for you-"

"And what is all this noise about?" Severus asked showing up in the corridor, his eyes quickly going to his wife and then to the students.

They were fighting. There were spells. Florence quickly summarised.

He nodded once, letting her know he had heard her, and then the students started to speak at the same time, trying to give their explanations.

Severus pointed a finger at Draco Malfoy.


"Potter attacked me, sir!"

"We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry shouted, but Severus ignored.

Florence grimaced inwardly, knowing what would come out of that situation: more injustices for Harry.

That's what I have to do, love. Severus sent her.

I know. She replied, sadly.

"He tried to attack me, but hit Goyle, sir. Look!" said Draco, pointing at his friend.

Severus examined Goyle, whose face was covered in fungi.

"Hospital wing, Goyle," Severus said calmly.

"Malfoy got Hermione!" Ron said, "Look!"

And the girl moved her face away from Florence's chest to show the teacher her teeth.

He looked coldly at her and said: "I see no difference."

Bloody hell, Severus. Florence admonished him; she knew he had a role to play there in front of the students, but she wanted to punch him in that moment, he was being cruel.

Hermione started crying and Florence pulled her to a hug again.

"Come on, dear," Florence murmured, "I'll take you to the infirmary," she glanced at her husband daring him to stop her.

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