The Prophecy

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June 1979

Florence finished her first semester as a healer-in-training at St. Mungus with absolute certainty that being a mediwitch was exactly what she wanted to do with her life.

Well, that and being a mum – she loved being a mum!

Everyday when she picked up the twins at the day care centre and took them home, she felt complete.

They were eight months old already and she could begin to see big differences in their personalities; James had taken completely after his father – according to Eileen looking at baby James was a walk down memory lane; while Nicholas had taken after Florence, he was calmer and more patient than his brother.

No matter how tired Florence felt, she always spent time with her sons, playing and singing and staying with them until they'd fallen sleep.

Also, not a day went by that she didn't think of their father.

Sev would be so happy to watch the boys grow bigger and cleverer day after day... and he'd be proud to see that both boys have already shown signs of having magical powers.

She smiled remembering how there was nothing that the twins couldn't reach anymore – whatever they wanted, they made it fly towards their little hands.

She laughed as she got ready for bed, glad she was able to get through the evening routine without crying.

She looked at her empty bed and thought about how family life would be with Severus by her side.

If he were here, we'd put the boys to sleep, then take a shower together and spend a couple of hours making love, no matter how early we had to wake up the next day.

She lay down on the bed and continued: I'd let my veela magic sing to him until he was completely bewitched by her siren spell, and then he'd be taken by lust and make me cum so many times...

She closed her eyes, letting out an annoyed breath as she tossed and turned in bed, knowing she had thought it too soon when she realised she hadn't cried that evening.

As the tears wetted her pillow, she searched for him through the Enchantment to make sure that he was still alive – at least she had that to console her.


August 1979

Nearly midnight

Severus Snape had found out that Albus Dumbledore would meet someone in the Leaky Cauldron that night, so Voldemort had sent him to the pub to find out whom they were and why they were meeting the headmaster.


Leaky Cauldron

Severus arrived early, sat at one corner of the long counter, and waited.

A some point he ordered a glass of firewhisky to avoid suspicion, and kept waiting for the headmaster to arrive – part of him hoping that Florence arrived with the old man since Severus had heard stories that she had been acting as Dumbledore's bodyguard lately.

He had also heard she went by a different name now: Mrs Black. But he refused to believe she'd married the mutt, the pain of accepting that would certainly kill him.

He finished his drink and saw when Dumbledore, finally, walked into the pub with her by his side.

She was wearing pants – something that meant she was there expecting trouble, for she loved her dresses.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now