The Rescue

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Order Headquarters

Severus was pacing the living room, his thoughts on his daughter, his mind working on coming up with a plan that wouldn't get (many) people killed.

As he finished another lap and turned towards the sofa, he felt someone tugging on his trousers – it was one of the elves.

"What happened now, Tiffany?" he asked, stopping his pacing and looking at her in concern.

"Mistress got a letter from Mrs Malfoy. Should Tiffany make the tea, Master?"

Then they heard steps in the staircase and Severus cursed: "Fuck! Yes, Tiff, you know what to do," he moved quickly towards the stairs, reaching it right as his wife had set foot onto the bottom step.

Florence stopped and stared at him; she was nearly a full head shorter than him but right then that didn't matter, for the energy around her pulsed in anger, making those in the living room witnessing that scene recoil in fear.

"So, husband," she said between gritted teeth, "When were you going to tell me about this?" she brandished the letter in her hand.

He prodded her mind and found out she already knew about the kidnapping, so he boldly admitted: "I wasn't."

James and Nick looked at each other, making a pain-filled face.

Can't say dad isn't brave. Said James.

Yeah. Agreed Nick. Incredibly stupid for such a clever man, but brave nonetheless.

"You weren't?" Florence growled, increasingly angrier, "My daughter – who I believed was safe inside this house – has been taken to the Malfoy Manor and I had to learn about it through a bloody letter from Narcissa!"

You're making a scene, Florence! Severus admonished her.

But she barked a humourless laughter, "Are you sure you want to go down that road, husband? Has patronising me ever got you anything?" her eyes glinted dangerously.

He hissed: "I do not appreciate being yelled at."

"You'll appreciate a lot less being hexed!" she shouted, her wand in hand.

Everyone in the room – except for the Snape kids, Eileen and Remus – watched that scene with surprise, for they had never seen Severus Snape being shouted and threatened.

"I'm not turning my wand on you, Florence," Severus said, a hint of hesitation in his eyes, "If you want to hex me, do it at once and get this over with!"

Her hand tightened around her wand and everyone waited for the first spell to be cast with bated breath.

"She will do it," Liz whispered to her brothers, in worry, "She'll attack dad! You have to stop her!"

"What?" replied Nicholas, as if she was crazy, "I'm not getting in the middle of that!" then he pushed his twin, "You do it, firstborn."

James glared at him, "I'll be petitioning to get disowned if you keep that shit up," but Eileen and Hermione looked at him with disapproving eyes, so he exhaled in annoyance: "Fine!" and walked towards his parents.

"Cut the aggressive flirting in public, you two!" he said, "We need to focus on finding Sophie; and, mum, we need dad conscious for that."

Florence slowly nodded, still glaring at her husband as she put her wand back inside her pocket, "Alright, so what are we doing now that we know Sophie is at the Malfoy Manor?"

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now