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June 1978

19 weeks pregnant

After another week resting at Eileen's, Florence went back to Hogwarts to sit the N.E.W.T.s.


First day of N.E.W.T.s

Potions, Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Herbology and Arithmancy

Severus glanced at Florence more than once in every exam, her magic calling to his in that strange mesmerising way that he knew now had to do with her pregnancy.

He wanted to hold her, make sure she was alright – the need to look after her was almost unbearable.

Apparently it doesn't matter for the Enchantment that the babies she carries aren't mine, I feel protective of her anyway. He bitterly concluded, as he walked past her desk once he finished his Ancient Runes exam.


Florence finished all of her tests of the day before five p.m. and walked to the Gryffindor Tower.

After getting herself in – under the usual reproachful gaze of the Fat Lady – she waited for her boyfriend in one of the armchairs by the window; the heat of the day, added to the emotional distress of seeing Severus but not being able to get close to him, was taking its toll on her pregnant body.

She ended up falling asleep as she waited for Sirius.


"Flor, love," Sirius touched her face, waking her up.

"Hi, Padfoot..." she yawned and stretched, "Where's everybody?"

He seemed concerned, "We'll meet Remus, Lily and James at the Great Hall. I have something to tell you, so I asked them to go ahead."

She frowned at his seriousness, "What is it? What happened?"

"It's about Regulus..."

"Right," she nodded, "I haven't seen him all day. He should be here taking his O.W.L.s..."

"He's dead," whispered Sirius.

"What?" Florence felt her heart skip a beat, as she recalled seeing him about two weeks ago at the Slytherin Quidditch Cup celebration, "How? When?"

"I don't have the details, my parents didn't tell me, Dumbledore was the one who told me. Reggie went missing last week. He asked to go home claiming a family emergency. He made Kreacher take him somewhere and never came back."

She tilted her head, "Why don't you just make Kreacher talk?" it seemed obvious.

"Regulus ordered the elf to never speak of it," Sirius sighed heavily, "All I was able to gather is that he went on a mission for Voldemort."

"How do you know about that?"

"Snivellus. I asked him if he knew anything. He said Voldemort told his followers that Regulus won't be joining them ever again."

Florence's bottom lip trembled and she looked at the window.

Regulus was her friend, he was a pure-blooded wizard, from a rich family – and now he was dead.

What if Severus is next?

She couldn't control the tears that came, the anxiety and the hormones playing havoc on her emotions.

Sirius held her as she cried, thinking she was crying for his dead brother.

She let him think that was the only reason.

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now