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Once the train got to the Hogsmeade Station, Florence, Severus, Remus, James, and Lily all boarded the same thestral-guided carriage to finish their journey to the castle.

"Care to explain?" asked Hagrid, stopping beside the carriage with a curious gaze, "As far as I remember ya three were fightin' by the lake last year," he pointed to James, Florence and Severus, "And yeh?" he pointed to Lily, "Ya are always runnin' from 'im!" he pointed at James.

"It's alright, Hagrid," said Lily, "It's a truce."

"Right," Hagrid replied, looking from Severus to James, not believing that for a second.


After the welcoming feast, Florence walked to the Gryffindor table, attracting many confused stares.

"May I sit with you?" she asked Lily and Remus.

"Of course!" said Lily, making room for Florence to sit beside her.

"This is the first time in five years I see a Slytherin at this table," Said Remus across from them, "Where's Severus?"

"In our common room. He went there with Greengrass and Travers, two guys from the seventh year."

"He's trying to get information about the N.E.W.T.s already?"

Florence grimaced, "Unfortunately, I don't think that's the reason they're talking, Remus."

"Do you think he'll become, you know, a You-Know-Who's follower?" whispered Lily.

"I don't know, Lily," Florence said, sighing, "I sure hope not," she looked up at the high table, wondering if maybe she should mention Severus's plans to the Headmaster, but then she saw Dumbledore walking towards her.

"Miss Delacour," Dumbledore greeted, stopping by their table, "Miss Evans, Mr Lupin. How was your summer?"

"Very good, professor. In fact, we became friends during summer," said Lily.

"I must say I'm happy to see a Slytherin at the Gryffindor table. It's past time we put an end to that rivalry."

"I wouldn't go that far, professor," Said Remus, "Severus and Sirius might still kill each other."

Dumbledore smiled, "Well, one old man can hope," He looked at Florence, "Miss Delacour, I would like to have a word with you. Walk me to my office, will you?"

"Sure, professor," Florence got up and followed him.


Florence sat in front of the Headmaster's desk, on the same chair she'd fallen asleep the night she ran away from home.

There was a tea tray on the desk, just like that night as well. Florence poured the tea and waited for him to start.

"How was your vacation, dear?" he asked.

"It was very good. I spent it at my godmother's house, Eileen Snape. It was great to finally get to know her. Also... Severus and I are dating."

Dumbledore paused briefly, looking at her, "Is there anything special about your relationship?"

Florence could tell he already knew about it, so there was no point in hiding it.

"We are blessed by the Enchantment."

Dumbledore nodded, "I had already felt a connection between you two. Thank you for telling me the truth," He paused, sipping his tea, "I believe you didn't tell any your friends about your father."

"No. And I don't intend to ever tell them."

"And Eileen? She knows the truth; she knew your mother and must've met your father at least once in the past. Did she say anything to Severus?"

Saved by Love (Severus Snape / Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now